Yellow 3 keep hope alive for wild card with 5 win of season..Black still in head of Colored for 1st

September 26, 2013 – 03:00 PM

Yellow 3 wins 5 game of season but it wasnt easy win Yellow 3 was tie with Colored for first after final round in Game 29 on Monday 9/25 Yellow 3 hit a homer in final round but didnt pass Colored black and Yellow 3 were short it was scound tie of season first tie came in same game but in round 4 big blue and GRey 2 tie for 5th and 6th big blue won hit of. could not believe i won in tie breaker said Yellow 3 i know might had a chance cause il had 3 home runs so far but i was specting to hit home run in tie breaker i new i might do good this game cause i couldnt do anything in Game 28 only thing i have to do is win final game and i got my spot in playoofs. Black could of won frist with win and Colored last place finish but Colored took 2nd in Game 29 Colored only 4 points behind Black for 1st Black looking  for back to back 1st places.