Basketball Bowl 3th highest series ever in League

April 10, 2014 – 11:11 AM

Baseketball was looking win at least 5 points on Wendesday Baseketball won all 7 points agants Baseketball 2 i never thought i bowl that high of series said Baseketball. Baseketball bowl 888 with a 300 Game in 2nd game 298 in first game and 289 in 3th game  i should had 300 in 1st game but i pulled and left 8 count then i was alright if this many in row again i wont mess up in 2ns game Baseketball didnt mess up had all 12 strikes Baseketball only shot at one spare whitch came in 3th in 10 frame. Baseketball also bowl 3t highest series ever in league highest series is 890 by Baseketball 4 Soccerball 2 has 2nd high with 889.