Whitesoccerball wins the 2013-2014 championship

August 16, 2014 – 10:30 PM

Whitesoccerbll wins first ever championship whitesoccerball bean in league forever but never won first place in season or never won a championship but that fianley change. I wasnt specting to win hole thing said Whitesoccerball i wasnt thinking that i was going to beat Red white in first round of playoffs said Whitesoccerball. Whitesoccerball bowl 2 300 games in playoffs soccerball 2 had 3 i guess this year playoffs was year of soccerballs said whitesoccerball everyone was thinking it was going to be Red-white takeing on Baseketball 4 or even Red Baseketball. Werid thing was i was wild card but like lot people have watch thouse who win the wild card there called sleepers lol said Whitesoccerball. Im still shock way soccerball 2 bowl should won whole thing avg over 270 but hey that how it goes se if i can win it again next year said whitesoccerball.