Red Basketball on Hot Hot streak! 11/23/2015

November 23, 2015 – 11:58 AM

In the last 3-4 weeks Red Basketball had bowl 880 or higher in week 4 Red Basketball bowl 869 for the first time ever Red Basketball has become first ever bowler in the  league to reach avg of 280 no one has ever reach that mark. It bean something said Red Basketball when the season started i never spect to bowl way im bowling but soon o later it has to end next couple of weeks or so il start not to reach my avg i have already have 5 300 games some bowlers get 5 in a whole season i might reach dozen by end of the season said Red Basketball. Know with all of this bowling im not in first place im in the 2nd behind Soccerball 2 that who i have next week it should be good match between me and Soccerball 2 might be even best match this season said Red Basketball might even hand full of 300 games.