Yellow 3 stops Big Blue winning streak with first win on the season. 6/15/2017

June 15, 2017 – 04:00 PM

Someone has stop Big Blue winning streak and it goes to Yellow 3. Yellow 3 won first game of Season by beating out Big Blue Yellow 3 and Colored. I was close of winning last couple of games and i knew soon of later i was going to win then in Game 10 i come threw and get my first win of season i guess you say now im the hotest bat in the leauge right now said yellow 3 i started out bad in the begining of the season now things are starting to pick up. Im in 4th place overall im about 18 points behind orange for 3th if i can win couple more games i wont be to far out of first said yellow 3 last season i took 5th in the season i like get better postion this season said yellow 3.