Season is over! Playoffs start soon! 4/20/2018

April 20, 2018

Season is done! Now playoffs are about to start up what a season it was set record for most 900 series bowl with 3 there was 64 300s bowl thats way more then what was bowl last season there was more 800s bowl this season then last season as well. Red Basketball wins nutter first place title Red Basketball won first place last season by only 4 points this season 9 points but Red Basketball did not win the championship last season Soccerball 2 won championship last season by beating Red Basketball in the championship game. Basketball 2 wins the wild card spot once again Basketball 2 won all 3 games over Greysoccerball in final week of the season to win the wild card  this is Basketball 2 3th straight time that Basketball 2 has won wild card last year playoffs Basketball 2 lost in the 3th round of the loser bracket round. Here what couple of bowlers had to say on upcomming playoffs.       I hope go farther this year playoffs said Basketball 2 bean working really hard everything but i have tough task at hand in first round of the playoffs that is agants Soccerball 2 so should be good match said Basketball 2.        Red Basketball said like reach the championship game with loseing if i win every match untill i get to the championship game il have good shot at winning the championship this year se what happens said Red Basketball.  Also bowlers that didnt make the playoffs are Greysoccerball Basketball 3 soccerball and vollyball they all had good season ether way! Enjoy the playoffs everyone!!!