Black wins again. Grey 2 clinch the Wild Card spot. 9/17/2018

September 17, 2018 – 02:30 PM

Black wins 2nd game in row and now is in 2nd place ahead of Colored for that last last buy in the first round Black also is 16 points behind Orange going into the final two games of the season. Dont know if i catch Orange for first with two games left  its a small change got get really lucky said Black if not i take 2nd place said Black that means i dont have to play in the first round of the playoffs i be playing winner of someone said Black.  For 2nd year in the row Grey 2 gets the Wild card 6th place last season it was 5th place last year playoffs Grey 2 lost in the first round of the playoffs to Orange by score of 6-5 whitch was a good game. Im hopeing last little longer in the playoffs said Grey 2 i have never won a World Series or anything said Grey 2. Bean great season said Grey 2 Wild card race wasnt really a race said Grey 2 Yellow 2 got little closer but i con ran away with it said Grey 2 Yellow 2 bean having ok season as well as Yellow 1 and Grey 1 just hoping finish out season strong said Grey 2.