6 weeks left in the season. 3/11/2019

March 13, 2019 – 02:43 PM

Only 6 weeks left in the season by looking at the Standings looks like some close races for First place and last spot for the playoffs. Basketball 4 has one point edge over Basketball and Red Basketball. Red-White has point edge over Soccerball for wild card spot Basketball 3 just 4 points behind of Red-White and Orange-White also 4 points behind. Im in the driver sit said Soccerball was not planning on making a playoff run this year way my bowling bean going but i bean bowling pretty good lately so got me in the playoff pic should be interesting 6 weeks not sure who i be bowling but cant get 0 points in the win slot becouse that could cost me said Soccerball. Guess see what happens next threw weeks said Soccerball.