Red-Black wins in extras! Red-Black also first to clinch spot in the playoffs. 7/23/2023

July 23, 2023 – 12:02 AM

It bean awhile sense Red-Black has won last game that Red-Black won was Game 11 Red-Black bean on little of a drought. Win in Game 17 makes Red-Black first to clinch a spot in the playoffs Red-Black has not yet clinch first place as of yet still plenty of games left. But this win Red-Black had to do extra round to the game Black and Red-Black ended up tie for first in the final round so they had to do a extra round Black comes up hits a home run Red-Black was next Red-Black ended up hitting a line drive for the win it was tough game said Red-Black Black was hitting really well Black has bena playing well lately before the game i said i want win this game cause then i clinch a spot in the playoffs that what happen i won and im first to clinch said Red-Black. My next thing is to clinch first place whitch ended happening in here soon said Red-Black il be glad that i win First place said Red-Black.