Welcome to Arrowhead Lanes Bowling League

October 27, 2011 – 10:23 PM
Welcome to Arrowhead Lanes Bowling League how the league goes two bowlers which are not reel bowlers there ether Soccerball or Basketballs bowl 3 games each each game won is worth 2 points tie get a point each high total get 1 more point there are 10 bowlers. Scoring works scoring is different then regular scoring in Bowling this is how this league scoring goes. Strike is worth 3 points spare is worth 1 point split is wroth 3 points 300 game score like this 1st Frame 2 2nd frame 4 3th frame 6 4th Frame 10 5th Frame 12 6th Frame 16 7th Frame 20 8th Frame 22 9th Frame 24 10th 26 2nd 10th 28 10th 3th 30 30 witch be 300 28 be 280 26 26o and soo on. WANT MORE INFO SEND A EMAIL ENJOY THE 2011-2012 BOWLING SEASON ONE MORE THING THIS IS A 30 WEEK SEASON.