Orange wins 3th straight game on a record home run night. 8/22/2019

August 22, 2019 – 02:30 PM

It was one of thous kind of games were the wiffleball was flying out for a home run it was also good game of Orange who has won 3 straight games and is looking at clinching first place soon. Know game 21 was something said Orange best game so far this season for eveyone hitting long ball said Orange everyone had least one home runs i had 4 home runs total of 17 home runs in game 21 it was something and thats a record for home runs in a game said Orange i set record for most home runs with 4 in a game. I think it was just one of thosu games that come around once a season were everyone just hitting wiffleball for a home run these games are fun maby get one more game just like this before season ends said Orange. With win by Orange now Orange is closeing in on 200 points and has 27 points lead over Colored for first place.