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November 2015 Meeting Minutes

Cape Vikings Pop Warner Minutes

Date of Meeting:  November 9, 2015


Call Meeting to order:  5:47 pm

In attendance: Frank Fitzgerald, Michele Carney, Shannon Staggs, Beth Campbell, Melissa Rodriquez Jennifer Felker, Mike Mattia, Harry Hudson

Secretary’s Report


  • President Letter of Intent
    • Two letters for president were submitted.  One by Jami Ferro and one by Mike Mattia.  Due to the fact that Jami has gone to at least three meetings this past term, according to our bylaws, and Mike has not, Jami is the only one who is eligible to run.
      • Beth Campbell made a motion for Jami Ferro to be president and Michele Carney seconds.  Jami will be president for 2016 term starting in January.
    • Letters for board positions must be handed in by next meeting for the 2016 term.
    • The board will look into the bylaws.
  • Banquet
    • Jami handed out a form for the breakdown of the banquet. 
      • Caterer, Lewes Shop - $9 per person, approx. $2250
      • Dessert, Dorman Donut - $8/Dozen, 20 dozen – total $160
      • Photo booth - $550
      • Decorations
      • Face painting
      • Goody bags
      • Balloons
      • DJ - $200
      • Trophies - $1191.25
    • Sponsors will receive a signed helmet
    • Coaches/Team Mom’s receive plaques
    • Assistant Coaches – trophies

Vice President


  • Treasurer’s Report
    • At the time of the meeting there was $9443 in the bank. 
    • $90 in bins to Jennifer for uniform storage
    • $90 in the washing of Pee Wee and Jr. Pee Wee uniforms.
    • $84 to Fanin
    • Meineke to give another $500
    • Lifetouch will give us our portion of the pictures, unsure of exact amount.

Scholastics VP

  • Report Cards
    • 11/20 report cards are handed out.  Beth will be sitting at McDonald’s on 11/23 from 6-8pm to collect report cards.
    • Need to be collected by 12/1…must be scanned or copied, no photos.

Cheer VP

  • Cheer Uniforms
    • Melissa is trying to find a home for our last season cheer uniforms.  She tried Ronald McDonald house and AI Dupont they cannot take them. 
    • Mariner has expressed interest in purchasing the uniforms.  They also want pom poms.  We will talk to Bob Fulton about possibly giving our uniforms to Mariner in exchange for forgiveness on our bill.
    • Maybe do an Alumni day/Bonfire and have past helmets, cheer uniforms, and pictures for previous players.

Equipment Manager

  • Equipment needs
    • Helmets need to be reconditioned this year
    • Missing belts in new game pants, need to order replacement belts
    • May need some new shoulder pads

Old Business

  • Jerseys
    • Everyone has been selling game jersey’s

New Business

  • Jamboree
    • Submit letter to Henlopen Board for Jamboree to be at Cape next year.  We need to make sure we can handle this kind of event at our fields. 
      • Need to have ample parking, bathrooms, concessions, and at least 6 fields.
    • Harry has asked to possibly have all four levels of football to work together and do drills, etc. 

Meeting Adjourned: 6:44 pm

Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 8, 2015, 7:00 pm  

Panera~ 18423 Coastal Hwy~ Rehoboth