C.S. Mott Children's Hospital Skating with Diabetes

March 23, 2013




Arctic Edge Arena, Canton Michigan                                                     




















The Detroit Moose assisted C.S. Mott Children's Hospital – Division of Pediatric Endocrinology with a skating event at Arctic Edge Arena in Canton, Michigan on Saturday, March 23rd, from 7-8:30p.m.  Moose team member Brandon Malinowski (#88)  spoke to the event participants about life as an athlete with diabetes.  Moose team members ran a hockey clinic and assisted participants with skating in an open family skate.  Refreshments were provided to participants compliments of the Detroit Moose.


Please contact us at DetroitMoose@aol.com or Captain Derek Fowler 734-751-1199 if you are interested in participating in the next Detroit Moose event.