1.  Parents and players will make their fullest effort to cooperate and support the managers and 
coaches of our travel organization. 

2. A serious commitment is required at this level of baseball. This means attendance to various functions, events, and the required finances are expected. Little League, Town Baseball and other travel teams must be secondary to your commitment. If not, this can decrease your son’s playing time with his team and may forfeit his roster spot. Your coach must be informed each time he plays on any other team. 

3.  Managers and coaches are completely responsible for determining the amount or playing time, lineups, and positions of every player.


4. There is no guarantee of playing time. Teams will try and compete to the best of their ability. Managers will use their roster in a fashion that they see fit to produce and be competitive in a positive environment so that all players may learn and develop. Parents may not discuss playing time with any coach or manager of the LI Dolphins.  Discussions and or questions about playing time are encouraged to be had by the players themselves. Please do not confront their coach at an event. Please wait 24 hours and contact by email only. 



5. Managers and Coaches must be notified about absences from games or practices. Failure to notify coach can result in reduced playing time.


6. Player payments are non-refundable. If an injury occurs or a player cannot finish any part of 
their season, there are no full or partial refunds.


7. If a parent pulls a player off of the team for any reason after any or part financial commitment is fulfilled there are no refunds.


8. Parents or players can never speak to managers, coaches, or umpires in a disrespectful manner. If you are ejected from a game, this can be grounds for expulsion.  Any disrespectful, crude and inappropriate behavior by parents or players towards opposing teams, players or umpires are grounds for expulsion from the LI Dolphins.