"Play for Free" Sponsorship Program for 2016

FCYFP announces its “Play for Free” 2016 Sponsorship Program.  This is a creative, out-of-the-box way to raise funds that benefits everyone.  It’s a win/win/win deal.  Here is how it works:

You solicit sponsors such as businesses who want to advertise or individuals who want to cheer on a player or team. As an incentive, Fort Cherry Youth Fast Pitch will rebate 20% of the value of any sponsorship you secure, up to a maximum refund of $95 – the full value of your registration fee. For example, if you secure $100 in sponsorships, $20 will be paid to you by Fort Cherry Youth Fast Pitch. Secure $475 and get your entire $95 registration fee refunded!

 Our Players Win - Rebates reduce your registration fee;

 Our Teams Win - Funding helps pay for our equipment, supplies, and umpires;

 Our Sponsors Win - Their messages will be seen by hundreds of families from the Greater Pittsburgh area!

We will be accepting the sponsorships through April 1st

Here is what you do:

  1.         Review Sponsor Program document by clicking the "Be a Sponsor" button
  2.         Leverage your connections and social networks to find sponsors
  3.         Book sponsors ASAP … deadline is April 1st
  4.     .   Keep checking our Facebook site (Fort Cherry Youth Fast Pitch). We will be keeping a leader board.  Each time a new sponsor is secured, there will be an announcement on Facebook. We can have fun seeing who can bring in the most sponsors!

If anyone has any questions (players, parents or potential sponsors), please feel free to reach our to JoAnne Wagner at 724.484.3273 or jwagner@hky.com. We are a great group of families. Together we can make great things happen!


Click this button for a Sponsorship Packet or find it under "Be a Sponsor" on the left menu.