Welcome to the Inter County Football League!

 The ICFL is a grade based football league serving Southeastern, PA 

Being Grade Based
The Grade-Based format represents a more natural progression and development for today’s youth football players. The Grade-Based program will better align our teams with national trends and create a true feeder program for Pennsylvania Middle and High Schools. It is our belief that this format will strengthen our state program.

What is Grade Based?
Grade based is a grade appropriate division, protected by age without weight restrictions. Players will be together with the same children they play baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, etc. with.
The same children they attend class with and play together at home in their back yards with. They will be with their peers at all times, in fact, they’re with their peers from 1st grade right up to 7th grade and onto middle school. 

Why Grade Based?
The program is socially correct. You have parity at every level, each child moves with their respective team. With a grade based program you don’t have a child playing at one level this year and then have to jump up 2 levels the following year because of a growth spurt.


Every child can play at the appropriate grade level. As the children progress through the program and move onto middle school and high school they know they can play with kids of all sizes.