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Special General Membership Meeting - RESCHEDULED - 7/15/2014 @ 7:00 pm pm

Notification posted:  7/7/2014 @ 10:20pm
Dear Kissimmee Little League Member.
Due to no quorum reached to conduct business at our Special General Membership meeting originally scheduled for Monday, July 7th, this notice is hereby given to inform all approved members (coaches, managers, umpires, current board members) that Kissimmee Little League will be rescheduling the Special General Membership meeting to next Tuesday, July 15, 2014 @ 7:00 pm at Oak Street Baseball Fields.
The purpose of this meeting is the electing of the Board of Directors for the coming year (2014-2015) and to review and approve proposed changes to our League's Constitution.  The new Board of Directors shall assume the performance of its duties on August 1, 2014.  Our agenda is as follows:

- Review of League Financials
- Vote on # of board positions
- Election of the Board Members
- League Constitution Changes
Any member who cannot be in attendance at the Special General Membership Meeting at which the new Board Members will be elected and League Constitution changes will be reviewed and approved; can request an absentee ballot from the Secretary of the League, Tricia Murray. 

The absentee ballot must be obtained IN PERSON from the League Secretary, in a sealed envelope.  All ballots are returned, in a sealed envelope, to the seretary, by the Member, IN PERSON prior to the date of the election.  As such, all absentee ballots must be received no later than than Monday, July 14, 2014.

Kissimmee Little League has one hundred and eighty five (185) members.  In order to hold the Special General Membership Meeting a quorom of 1/5 (20 percent) must be met (absentee ballots can and will be counted toward quorom).  20% of our membership would represents 37 members required to have quorum.  
For questions, more information, or if you can not attend (but wish to obtain an absentee ballot), please contact our League Secretary, Tricia Murray at 863-860-3403.  Thank you for all you do for our kids and our League.  Without you, the league wouldn't be possible.

Kissimmee Little League Secretary,
Tricia Murray