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 2018 Ryan Ostrinisky

Northwest Travel Tournament

Tournament Rules



1. The Official Baseball Rules will govern each age division, except as noted herein.


3. Length of game is six (6) innings for 9U-10U and seven (7) innings for 11U-14U.

4. We only guarantee one (1) Umpire for every game.

5. Umpire shall flip a coin in each pool play game to determine the home team. Higher seed will be home team during bracket play. The HOME team will keep the official score book. HOME team shall turn in a Pitcher’s Log Form to the concession stand. This form will be used to confirm the pitchers used by BOTH teams for each game and to confirm the score of each game. This form is required to be signed by each teams MANAGER. Teams not turning in a Pitcher’s Log Form will be subject to disqualification for that game.

6. Ages 11u-14u, Any game played more than 5 innings (4½ if home team is winning) and 9u-10u 4 innings (3 1/2 if the home team is winning ) is considered complete if stopped for any reason . If the game is stopped and does not get to minimium innings (4½ if home team is winning 11-14u , 3 1/2 innings if home team is winning 9-10u) , the game will be treated as a suspended game. In all cases the Home team must get their last at bats (if trailing) for the game to become official. No new inning shall start after one hour and fourty minutes (1:40). If the away team is winning at the time limit the home team will get their at bat. If the home team is winning at the time limit and at bat, then the game is over at the time limit. If game is TIED at end of the inning that the time expired in then it is a TIED GAME. Semifinal and Championship games will have no time restrictions.

7. If game is tied at the end of regulation, teams will play one extra inning. If game remains tied after the extra inning, a Texas Shoot-Out will occur; inning will start with no outs and a runner on 2nd base (player who made last out previous inning). Each batter will start with a 3 ball and 2 strike count. Teams will play until one team is ahead after a full inning. Does not apply to Championship games. Does not Apply to Pool Play Games if time limit is passed.


8. Mercy Rule

a. 15 or more runs after 3 innings

b. 12 runs after 4 innings

c. 9 runs after 5 innings

**In all scenarios, the losing team MUST have the same amount of at bats as the winning team**

9. Division/Pool Play Tie Breakers:


d. 1st Record

e. 2nd Head to Head (not applicable if 3 or more teams are tied)

f. 3rd Total number of runs given up

g. 4th Total number of runs scored

h. 5th Total number of runs given up (common opponents)

i. 6th Total number of runs scored (common opponents)

10. Each team must wear matching uniforms with numbers on player’s shirts.

11. Each batter and base runner shall wear a safety helmet and all Catchers shall wear safety equipment, including a supporter cup.

12. No metal spikes for 9-12 year olds. Metal is permitted for 13 & 14 year olds.

13. No jewelry is permitted to be worn by a player in the game or in the dugout.

14. Absolutely no tobacco on the field or in the dugout.

15. There will be no infield practice before any game.

16. Birth certificates must be in the possession of the team manager at all times. The birthday cutoff date is April 30th.

17. Players can only be listed on one team roster.

18. Protesting a game: Must submit a $100.00 non-refundable protest fee and must use the Official

Baseball Rule 4.19 as a guideline.

19. Only Head Coach (Not Parents) shall bring concerns regarding their game to the Tournament Director.

20. The Roster and Release Form and the Hold Harmless Agreement must be signed and in the possession of the Tournament Director before any team takes the field. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Any team on the field of play without these signed forms will be asked to leave the field until the forms are completed and signed.


21. Sportsmanship:


j. Noisemakers of any type will not be permitted at games. Managers will not allow their fans or players to harass, chant or cast negative remarks towards members of the opposing team or their fans. Managers shall restrict anyone other than his players and coaches from entering the bench/dugout.

k. Throwing of equipment, i.e. bats, gloves, helmets, etc. is prohibited.

i. 1st offense the umpire shall issue a warning to the bench. Only one (1) warning will be issued to each bench.

ii. 2nd offense the player will be called out, and at the discretion of the umpire may be ejected from the game.


22. Bat rule: Same as SSBL.

23. Teams may use a continuous batting order using all players on their roster. If a team starts the game with a continuous batting order, then they must use this order throughout the game. If a player is injured and must leave the game his spot in the batting order will be skipped without penalty, and the player may not return into the game at any time.


l. If a player is injured on the field of play (whether as a base-runner or on defense), they may come out of the game and still re-enter as long as they do not miss their spot in the batting order.

i. If the injured player is a base-runner, he must be replaced by a player who has not yet played in the game and if all players have played then the player who made your last out in the game.

24. An Extra Hitter (EH) may be used. He may bat in any spot in the batting order and may be inserted into the field at any point in the game. The use of the EH must be declared before the beginning of the game and by using the EH a team will be batting 10 players throughout the game. The designated hitter (DH) is not permitted in the tournament. The only exception would be in case of injury or illness that occurred after the game begins and the team only has 10 players then that spot in the order would be skipped without penalty.

25. Re-entry rule is permitted. A starting player may re-enter the game one time, but only in his original spot in the batting order. A substitute withdrawn from the game may not re-enter. Violation of this rule is grounds for protest with penalty being the replaying of the game from the point of the infraction. Starting pitcher removed from the game cannot re-enter the game as a pitcher but can re-enter at any other defensive position and must re-enter in same batting position.

26. A team may start the game with only eight (8) players, any less and it is declared a forfeit. If a ninth player shows up late, he must be inserted in the last spot in the batting order. A team that starts with nine (9) may end up with eight (8) provided there are no eligible substitutes on the bench. A team starting with 10 may finish with nine (9) if there are no eligible players left. If a player is ejected from a game or leaves the game for any purpose other than injury or illness and his spot cannot be filled with an eligible bench player, an out will be recorded every time that spot in the order is due to bat. A spot vacated due to injury or illness that cannot be filled with an eligible player will be skipped when that spot is due to bat without penalty.

27. Leadoffs are permitted in all age divisions.

28. You may use a courtesy runner for your catcher only and with 2 outs. The runner will be first a player who has not yet played in the game and if all players have played then the player who made your last out in the game.

29. No player will initiate any malicious contact with another player as deemed by the Umpires. If offending player is a base runner, he will be called out and if in the judgment of the Umpire, such contact is deemed to be flagrant, the offending player will be ejected.

30. The following rules are to govern base runners sliding into a base.


m. Head first slides are illegal (player will be called out). Exception: a runner may dive head first back into a base during a pick-off play or when returning to the base last touched.

n. When sliding into a base the runner may not exceed the reach of his arm or leg off the base/plate in an effort to break up a play. If in the Umpire’s judgment these limits were exceeded in order to break up a play, the Umpire may call out both runners in jeopardy on that play.

o. If any player uses or attempts to use his feet as a weapon against any defensive player during a slide, then that player will be called out and be ejected from the game.

p. Runners must slide at home plate if there is the likely hood of a play at the plate. If a play is being made and the runner does not slide, the runner is out. This ruling is at the discretion of the Umpire.

31. Ejection Rule


q. 1st time ejection of Mgr./coach/player will serve 1 game suspension. (Reported by umpire and opposing coach to Tournament Director).

r. 2nd ejection will be removal from the tournament.


32. Intentional walks: no pitches necessary in 9U-12U.

33. No dropped 3rd strike for 9U.

34. The policy for calling balks will be as follows: 9U-12U will get one balk warning per pitcher per game, 13U-14U will get no balk warnings.

35. A pitcher must be removed after the 2nd charged trip to the mound in the same inning.

36. Pitching Distance / Base paths:


s. 9U & 10U -46’/ 65’

t. 11U & 12U -50’/ 70’

u. 13U -54’/ 80’

v. 14U -60’/ 90’

37. Maximum innings per pitcher:

1 DIVISION Per Game Per Day Tournament Max

2 9U & 10U 4 6 10

3 11U & 12U 5 8 12

4 13U & 14U 5 8 14


a. One pitch will count as one inning.

b. A Pitchers Log Form must be turned in with the score after each game, no exceptions.

c. Once a pitcher (Starter or Reliever) is removed from the mound they cannot return to the mound in the same game.

38. Rain-out/Refund Policy


w. 2 games played = No Refund

x. 1 game played = 50% of fee paid is refunded

y. 0 games played = 75% of fee paid is refunded

z. If we have to go to a 2 game pool play due to weather cross bracket play could come into effect. If so then the top 4 Seeds OVERALL will advance to bracket play.