Mites & Minis Open Season on Strong Performance

RJF&C Bulldogs Sweep Panthers


The Rutherford Mighty Mites traveled to North Arlington and picked things up right where the team left off last year.  Damian Gregory started the offensive onslaught with a blast up the middle behind Vinny Urgola, Jimmy Sinani, and Chase Martini for a long TD.  He was not alone getting to the south end zone on the day, as he was joined by speedster William Holman for a 70 yard score, and Quinn Weber carrying defenders past the goalie for another.   The north end zone was owned by Zachary Snyder who made nice reads, after pancakes by Gregory and Logan Bohn, as he cut down the sideline for two more scores on the day.  On defense, Johnny Cartwright, Nico Cassano, Sebastian Rojas, and Gerald Moran all helped keep North Arlington to just two scores on the day.   The 2017 looks to be a promising year for this young group of Bulldogs, as they plan to dominate the league.


The Rutherford Junior Football Pee Wee’s opened up there 2017 Season on Saturday with an 18-0 thumping of Wallington.  The offensive highlights for the afternoon were two big touchdown runs by veteran running back George Brewton. Brewton broke off two runs of 27 and 46 yards. QB Myles Balchan, also with a long run, took a bootleg for a 43 yard score. Tailback Kai Doyle had several carries for a total of 42 yards. The offensive attack was anchored by returning lineman Angelo Pizza, Declan Manning and John Amatucci, new comers to the offensive front were AJ Nunziato, Evan Diaz, Joey Philp and Rusty Snyder. The Bulldogs defense was led by linebackers Emmett Carney, Brewton and DE Vincent Denunzio. Pressure was kept on the Wallington offense all day by NG Jayden Arlauskas, DT Lorezo Airey, and DE Nunziato. Corner back Matthew Bonagura came up with the play of the day. A Wallington running back broke through the middle of the line, made a couple tacklers miss and was off to the races, until Bonagura tracked him down and tackled the RB on the 10-yard line to preserve the shutout.  Pee Wee players Christopher Kasperan, Jaycub DeCarlo and Shayne Windham contributed in the victory. The Rutherford Junior Bulldog team (5th & 6th graders) opened the 2017 season with a win against the Wallington Panthers. An impressive six touchdowns were scored by the Bulldogs, beginning with a pass from quarterback, Aiden Doyle, to wide receiver Ryan Ward. The Bulldog offensive line displayed tremendous teamwork allowing for five additional touchdowns by Cole Goumas, Marcello Fernandez, Nick Lora, and Laudan Henry.  Antonio “Animal” Decarlo caused a fumble returning it forty yards to set up the final touchdown by Jimmy Queli. Andrew Moller made three field goals and Jack Daly ran in for an extra point. The Bulldog defense, led by Luke Cerulli, Owen Fernandez, Arthur Costan, and Yahya El Feshawi, was strong keeping the Panthers scoreless throughout the game.

The 2017 Rutherford Bulldogs Senior squad (7th & 8th grade) kicked off the season with a win over the Wallington Panthers 26-0. The offensive line carried the team as Steve Pisciotta, Connor Finan, Luke Carney, Alejandro Garcia, Harold Kwon, Anthony Albanese and George Avramidis opened holes for the running game all night long. The backfield of Douglas Russel, Patrick Cerulli, JJ Herninko and Dan Carr kept the ball moving. On the first play from scrimmage, Cerulli busted out off tackle for a 45 yard touchdown run. Later in the game, Russell had his own long touchdown with a 60 yard scamper down the sidelines. Throughout the game, the Bulldogs moved the ball down the field regardless what down it was. The backfield rotated out as Alex DiMaulo, Zach Herninko and Brendan Ahearn were also successful in moving the chains. 

Defensively the Bulldogs did not break. Stuffing the front line with Angel Bido, Finan, Carney and Kwon proved successful as numerous tackles were made by all at the line of scrimmage. When the Panthers wanted to air it out, defensive backs Van Weber, DiMaulo, JJ Herninko, and Anthony Bonogura shut it down. Linebackers Russell, Cerulli and Carr put pressure on the backfield all night. When defensive players were rotated out, the tone stayed the same. Axel Vazquez, Michael Tardiff, Albanese, Michael Oliveros, Justin Sarnowski, Sal Fernandez, Ernie Bonogura, Michael Ferrara and James Ernst did not bend. JJ Herninko sealed the shut out with an interception as Wallington tried to put points on the board. Coach Rangels' mixing up of the defensive calls kept Wallington guessing all night.

Rutherford Junior Football and Cheering will be home against Manchester on Saturday, September 16th at 4 PM.