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 Wickliffe Baseball League Meeting - 1/19/2017

Start time 7:15pm

Roll Call:

Executive Board – Pugh, Novotney, Levon, Krizner, Pasquino

Excused – Gilman, Motta

Trustees –Brandt

Excused – Rossman, Shirer


Also present: 


Officer Reports:


Treasurer– Novotney announced the income/expense report for December 2016, which is stated below. 

1)      Checking account balance - $7,749.18

2)      Savings account balance - $1,616.79

3)      Cooperstown 2017  - $15,033.14

4)      Other Savings / Clinics - $840.30

5)      Other - $310.58


She also notified the board that taxes have been filed and our non-profit 501(c)3 record is up-to-date with the state. 


Brandt asked if we had a budged for 2017 yet.  Pugh replied that he would work up the numbers that Kathy has provided to him and will have a projected budget for the next meeting.


Secretary – Levon stated that registration will begin on 2/1 & end on 3/12.  He has acquired the list of players/email addresses of potential players for our league for the rec department.  He will have the city put the registration information on the electronic signs in front of the Senior Center and Fire Department.  He will have flyers made for Mater Dei & the Elementary School.  He will get the information to Brandt to have an announcement made at All Saints.  Email blasts will go out to returning players and rec list 4-5 times during the open registration period.  Their will be 1 in-house sign up date at the Provo House on Saturday, March 11th from 9-noon.  He will confirm with Shirer to make sure the website & Paypal will be ready to go on 2/1.


Levon announced that 150 Game Show Night tickets have been given out to sellers, and provided donation letters to board members to see if they will try to obtain donations for local businesses.


Equipment Manager – Krizner is looking at a date in the near future for volunteers from the board to meet at the Provo House to review our equipment.


Umpire in Chief – No report


Player Development Manager – No report

President – Pugh asked Levon to send an email to all of the coaches notifying them of the Lake County Baseball Club’s clinic on Saturday, February 11th at Lake Erie College from 8:30-noon.  The WBL will pick up the cost of $5 for any coach that is interested in attending.


Pugh reported that the “” is now officially switched over to the WBL.


Old Business:  None

New Business: 


Pugh mentioned that we should post the monthly meeting schedules on the website and announce it more frequently on Facebook.  The rain out line is antiquated in his mind, and isn’t used by most parents.

Pugh talked about the need to finalize and vote on the mission statement of the WBL.  We should vote on it in February’s meeting.

Brandt stated that we should add all of the sponsors to the website.  We could potentially put them all on a banner and take a picture and send that out with our sponsorship letter to increase the likelihood of returning sponsorships. 



Meeting ended at 7:55pm.

Date of next meeting – February, 2017 at 7pm