• thanks for a great season

2018 Bryn Mawr Baseball/Softball and Spring Soccer Registration

Online registration for the upcoming Spring 2018 Sports will open on Tuesday 1/23/2018.  We are happy to announce the integration of our new website.  Please go to


to register for all spring sports including baseball, softball and spring soccer!  


In Person Registration will be  

Saturdays 1/27 and 2/3 for Early Bird Fees Apply

Saturdays 2/10 and 2/17 Standard Fees Apply

 10AM to 12PM

 Welty Field Clubhouse


Parking at and around Welty Field

Please observe all posted parking signs as issued by The City of Yonkers.  YOU MAY NOT CREATE YOUR OWN PARKING SPOT AND PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK THE CHAIN THAT LEADS ONTO THE FIELD BY THE BASKETBALL COURT. Your cooperation is appreciated. 

Monthly Meetings

Bryn Mawr Boys & Girls Club has a monthly meeting typically on the first Tuesday of every month. Everyone who is part of Bryn Mawr through child registration, volunteers, parents, and coaches are welcome to attend our meeting. We welcome anyone who wants to be a part of our club to attend a meeting.   Our next meeting will be scheduled for January 10, 2018 at 7:30PM.