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Player Registration Form




I hereby give my full consent to have a coach, team manager, athletic trainer, nurse, EMS Technician, medical treatment facility and/or doctor of medical assistance and/or treatment and totally agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance and/or treatment. I fully understand treatment for my injury will be based on the information provided herein. I hereby EMS transportation of the participant/applicant to a medical treatment facility should the individual listed above consider it to be warranted. I recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with kickball, and hereby release, discharge, and otherwise indemnify Southside Park, Eye Candy Kickers Kickball League, its affiliates, managers, and employees.
If you agree to these terms please sign below.
Media Release
I, the undersigned, hereby authorize “Eye Candy Kickers” to photograph me, take motion pictures of me, take video footage of me, and/or make electronic sound recordings of me (herein referred to as photographic or electronic reproductions).
I authorize the use of any such photographic or electronic reproductions of me for any purpose, including, but not limited to educational and other public media as may be deemed appropriate by “Eye Candy Kickers” (I understand that I may be identifiable form such photographic or electronic reproduction). I understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration for recording me, either for initial or subsequent transmission or playback. I waive any rights, claims, or interest I may have to control the use of my identity or likeness in whatever media used. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS IT.

Zero Tolerance
1. As a member of Eye Candy Kickers, Ladies Kickball league you must at all times operate in EXCELLENCE. We are a group of Classy women who empowers, inspires and uplift one another. We are setting an example to young women and others of what the true definition of what SISTERHOOD means!
2. You must show RESPECT not only for yourself but, for one another. Ex: your team mates, other players and the league itself.
3. Metal cleats are not permitted on the field. You must use the rubber cleats.
4. There will not be any drinking of alcohol substance prior or during any game. If it is discovered that you have done so, you will be suspended from one or more games pending the ECK board decision.
5. You are responsible for advising your invited guest to the games that there are absolutely no alcoholic beverages allowed, no grilling or selling of food on the park property.
6. Glass containers are not allowed.
7. There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for the use of cursing or fighting on or off the field. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in being dismissed from the league permanently pending ECK board decision.
8. No vendors of any type selling items are allowed on the park property during ECK events.
9. Each team is responsible for cleaning their dugout area and advising invited guest to do the same. Failure to do so can jeopardize future use of any facility and ECK 2019 season to be canceled. Please make sure that we keep the park clean so that we can have a successful season.
10. All vehicles must park in the parking lot at the park
Please note that there is a grace period until Friday, February 15, 2019 to cancel your membership. After that grace period all funds will be NON-REFUNDABLE.

* indicates required fields

IMPORTANT: Online Payment with credit cards is not active for this form