2024 Parental Consent and Release Form, Swimmer's Code of Conduct, & Parent Code of Conduct Form (Form 2 of 2)

Parental Consent and Release Form, Swimmer Code of Conduct, & Parent Code of Conduct

I hereby give permission for my child to participate as a member of the Lower Macungie Township Lazers Swim Team from May 28th through July 21, 2024 (or last day of season if delayed).

I understand that there are risks of injury inherent in such participation, including without limitation, injuries caused by slips and falls, improper entry into the water, sudden movements, and the actions of other participants and swimmers. Nonetheless, I consent to accept and assume such risks and hereby waive any claim against the Township or its supervisors, employees or agents for any injury suffered by my child while on Township property in connection with his/her participation as a member of the swim team or while attending an away swim meet as a member of the swim team.

I also understand that I am responsible to transport my child to and from practices and meets or arrange for such transportation. I hereby waive any claim against the Township or its supervisors, employees or agents for any injury suffered by my child in connection with such transportation.

In case of a medical emergency concerning my child, at a time when I or the person listed cannot be notified, I authorize the Township swim officials to consent to any necessary x-ray examinations, anesthetic, medical, or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and /or hospital care.

Lower Macungie Lazers Swim Team will follow the Lower Macungie Township COVID-19 Preparedness Plan.
* We will do our part to protect our staff members, referees and participants by instituting safety protocols to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and also diligently inform our patrons/staff of their personal responsibilities which are equally as important.
* Guidelines for sports activities have been made available by the CDC, health agencies and state and local government which will be our primary reference points. These guidelines continue to evolve, and we will remain vigilant in updating our practices.
* You recognize that the danger of exposure to the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 exists.
*If a swimmer, coach or family member has tested positive or shows symptoms of COVID-19, they must stay home from swim team activities until they are cleared for return to play per the CDC and PA Department of Health guidelines.
*If a swimmer, coach or family member tests positive for COVID-19 and attended a practice or meet, please notify the Lazers Swim Team Board so that we can ensure that we are taking the proper precautions for the rest of the team. All information will be kept confidential.


As a Lower Macungie Lazers Swim Team member, it is expected that all swimmers will abide by the following Code of Conduct at all times while representing the Lazers:
1. Offer congratulations to my opponents, win or lose, and cheer on my teammates.
2. Act and conduct myself with dignity while demonstrating respect for others and the property of others.
3. Promote good sportsmanship while striving for positive team spirit.
4. Deal justly, kindly, impartially, and honestly with all my fellow team members.

At the same time, while involved in any Lazers functions, the swimmer will not:
1. Cause or threaten physical or verbal harm to another swimmer, coach, official, or parent.
2. Possess, use, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, chemicals, or illegal drugs.
3. Behave in a manner that in the opinion of the coaches is harmful to the Lazers.

The swimmer should understand that violating any of these criteria will put them at the mercy of the coaching staff. Punishment is at the discretion of the coaches and can include expulsion from the team and forfeiting any monies paid to date.


As a parent of a Lazers swimmer, it is expected that all parents will abide by the following Code of Conduct at all times while representing the Lazers:
1. Practice teamwork with all parents, swimmers, and coaches by supporting the values of the Lazers.
2. Allow the coaches to instruct the team and swimmers at practice and meets.
3. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting themselves in a manner that earns the respect of their swimmer, other swimmers, parents, officials, and the coaches at meets and practices.
4. Maintain self-control at all times.
5. Understand that criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward the coaches, officials, and/or any participating swimmer or parent will not be permitted or tolerated, and they may be asked to leave the program.
6. Enjoy involvement with the Lazers by supporting the swimmers, coaches, and other parents with positive communication and actions.
7. Direct all questions or concerns regarding decisions made by meet officials to a member of our coaching staff. Parents may not address officials or approach the Scorer's Table at any time during a meet.
8. Comply with all Lower Macungie Township Pool rules.
9. Complete the volunteer commitment as a member of the Lazers Swim Team.

Should parents conduct themselves in such a way that brings discord to the Lower Macungie Lazers, parents will voluntarily subject themselves to disciplinary action.


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