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2020-2021 Ohio Edge Handbook

Ohio Edge Fastpitch Organization
Parent/Player Handbook
Ohio Edge Fastpitch Board Members

Steve Kelemen……………………………………………………………………President
Nate Graves…………………………………………………………………………Vice President
Amy Kelemen………………………………………………………………………Secretary/Treasurer

Ohio Edge Fastpitch Organization
Parent/Player Handbook

Ohio Edge Fastpitch 2020-2021 Head Coaches
Contact Information

Haley Smith ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10U

Kassie Kelemen………………..………………………………………………………………..12U

Nate Graves…………………………………………………………………………………….. 16U

President - Steve Kelemen

Vice President/16u Head Coach - Nate Graves

Secretary/Treasurer - Amy Kelemen

Facebook Page: Ohio Edge Fastpitch
Spirit Store: Visit the Ohio Edge Fastpitch Website

10U Head Coach Haley Smith

12U Head Coach Kassie Kelemen

16U Head Coach Nate Graves


The Ohio Edge Fastpitch Organization is a non-profit, charitable organization organized under the IRS laws encompassing 501(c) (3) entities and is committed to providing opportunities for young athletes to engage in quality, competitive experiences. The Ohio Edge is dedicated to the idea that any athlete, regardless of race, creed, religious affiliation, or socio-economic status should be given that opportunity. A competitive athletic experience can instill a good work ethic, enhance social development, contribute to mental and physical health, and teach values of personal responsibility, self-discipline, self-motivation, and teamwork.


The most important consideration in forming club teams is developing a philosophy. What is the motivation behind forming our teams? Will they be “participation teams” where everyone gets equal playing time, or “performance teams” where playing time is based on player’s performance? The Ohio Edge is most definitely a “performance team.” Another critical component of the club team philosophy includes “how are new players found and included as regular team members?” The answer to this question is not easy.

Excess turn-over in any organization is very corrosive; no turn-over means the teams are possibly not growing. Every player must tryout each season. Tryouts are typically held in August of each year. Making a team in August only qualifies a player for the team for the specified season. It is not a guarantee that they will be on that team for future seasons. Additionally, other players may be added throughout the season as needed. Successful endeavors attract top talent and the Ohio Edge has been fortunate to include some very talented players from different areas of Ohio to be on its rosters and ultimately reach college level play.

Participation in the Ohio Edge is a privilege, not a right. The following policies and procedures must be observed for a team member to retain this privilege. The Ohio Edge Organization reserves the right to dismiss a player due to misconduct or inappropriate behavior. Once a spot on the team has been offered and accepted by a player and the player pays the initial fees, the initial fee and all subsequent payments are non-refundable.

The following forms must be filled out completely and eSigned before a player can participate in any team related activity.

1. Ohio Edge Parent/Player Agreement and Consent Form
2. Ohio Edge Medical Release and Consent for Medical Treatment Form
3. Ohio Edge Parental Waiver/Release of Liability Form
4. Copy of Player’s Birth Certificate on file with Coach

Parent/Player Handbook 2020-2021

1. All Ohio Edge rules, policies and procedures are outlined in the Parent/Player Handbook.
2. All parents and players are encouraged to review this material and keep a copy for reference purposes.

Team Rules/Handbooks

In addition to the organization handbook coaches may have a team handbook that sets forth the expectations and requirements for their team. These handbooks must also be signed by both player and parent and returned to the coach.


Insurance Coverage

As part of the individual membership fees, all players are covered by a supplemental insurance policy from Bollinger Insurance-the preferred carrier for USA softball. This is a Two (2) million-dollar liability policy that covers all club activities and injuries that may occur during an event. An event can be either practice or tournament. The policy also insures players against any loss that may be incurred while traveling to or from an event. Please note that is a supplemental policy to your own health policy.

Equipment, Uniforms & Dress Code

Every Ohio Edge player is required to purchase her own personal equipment such as a bat, softball glove, face protector, cleats catcher gear, compression top and sliding shorts. Player fees will provide each player at minimum: 2 pants, 2 jerseys, 2 pair of socks, 1 belt and 1 batting helmet with stickers.

Out of Town Trips/Tournament Play

1. Players are advised that they are representing the Ohio Edge Fastpitch Organization at all tournaments and will not do anything to embarrass themselves or the organization. Failure to comply could result in being benched or dismissed from the team.
2. The use of tobacco is prohibited (this includes vaping). Use of any illegal substance will result in the player being suspended from the tournament, sent home at the parent’s expense and immediately dismissed from the team.
3. Any player caught doing anything illegal will be suspended from the tournament, sent home at the parent’s expense and dismissed from the team immediately.
4. If either parent is unable to attend the out of town tournament with their daughter, the parent must designate a parent for the player. That person will then become the designated parent for the player and will need to obtain from the parent: an insurance card, a medical release note and contact phone number.
5. Coaches are not responsible for parenting or accommodating players with regard to travel and hotel accommodations. No player(s) will room with a coach, except for their own daughters.
6. Player fees do not cover travel expenses.
7. During out of town tournaments that result in the team staying in hotel facilities, curfews will be set by the head coach. Any player not abiding by the curfew set in place shall face disciplinary actions enforced by the head coach at their discretion.


A successful team and organization require communication. It is imperative that any concerns the player, parent, and coaches may have is relayed to the appropriate chain of command for resolution. Each coach will set forth their expectations to their team on how they would like players and parents to voice their concerns.


There is a lot more to expect of our players other than their softball skills. Scheduled scrimmages/practices, games, tournaments are mandatory. Failure to comply could result in disciplinary actions by the coach. It is the PLAYER’S RESPONSIBILITY in 14U and up to notify the coach if they cannot attend. If a player needs to miss because of school extra-curricular commitments, they are required to provide the coach with a schedule to allow for proper practice planning.

PLAYERS ARE EXPECTED TO COMMIT FOR THE FULL SEASON AND TO ATTEND ALL TOURNAMENTS. Ohio Edge players are prohibited from participating in recreation softball programs. Ohio Edge players are prohibited, while in season, to play for or sub for any other select/travel softball teams. During championship play where the objective is to advance as far as possible players will be played at the discretion of the coach based on performance and team needs. PLAYING TIME QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE DISCUSSED DURING PLAY.

Because the length of softball games can be unpredictable and tournament formats and management varies, it is difficult to pinpoint the time a tournament may end. Also, exact tournament schedules or final confirmations are often not available until just before tournaments begin (often the night before play starts). This is partly due to late entries, unpredictable weather, withdrawals or team changes, all of which impact the actual tournament playing schedule and match ups.

The Ohio Edge has no control over the administration of tournaments, but we do make suggestions, as do other clubs, to those who run the tournament for incorporation into their next one. Since team entry fees must be paid weeks/months in advance, and the large amount of planning required for travel and lodging, it is extremely important that the coach is notified at least 7 days in advance of any tournament a player cannot attend.

Parents and players should closely review the tournament schedule that will be provided and notify the Coach of any conflicts. We understand that situations such as illness do cause short notice conflicts; it is the ones known in advance of which we must be informed as soon as they are identified in order to best adjust to the situation. Player’s cost beyond the initial fees are kept to a minimum; the only thing the players are responsible for paying during an average tournament is their individual meals, snacks, travel, and lodging. Winter tournament/league fees and camp/clinic fees are not covered by player fees. Winter tournament/league fees are split evenly among all players on the team.

Playing time is very important to everyone. It is important to apply the skills and fundamentals taught in practice in a game situation. Only then can the head coach and player truly realize which skills the player is proficient at and which skills require more training. Your team fees go towards, uniforms, fall/winter indoor space rental, tournament fees, sanction and insurance fees, NOT playing time in tournaments or any other event.

More playing time is EARNED by being at practice on time and working hard to improve, as well as, executing your skills when given the opportunity to play. Coaches are advised to give everyone opportunities to contribute their individual skills and abilities to the team during pool play games. Players are not guaranteed playing time and all playing time will be at the coach’s discretion. Harassing the coach about playing time by parents or players will not be tolerated.


Softball can teach many good traits, such as the spirit of cooperation and the regard for physical fitness; but it is difficult for these and other desirable traits to take root in young players when the adults around them fail to set a proper example. Ohio Edge parents will refrain from criticizing opposing players, other parents, coaches, officials, umpires, or teammates. If a parent is observed by an Ohio Edge board member or coach behaving in this manor, they will be asked to leave immediately and banned from ALL future team events, practices, and activities. In spectator enthusiasm we are often prone to issue several instructions to the players that may be contrary to those of the coach, leaving the players confused and upset. Parents will let the athletes follow their coach’s instruction and leave the coaching to the coach!

It is the Ohio Edge’s desire that player’s parents understand the “value” of having independent coaching and playing in aggressive tournaments in venues like Pennsylvania, Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and other national events.

The coaches are volunteering their time, energy, and best efforts to teach your child the sport of fastpitch softball and the Ohio Edge organization will not tolerate condemnation of the coaches. Understand that you will not agree or like every coaching tactic, comment, or suggestion that is made by the coaches, but this does not warrant criticism or rudeness. Failure to follow this guideline will result in the immediate dismissal of you and your child from the team. This is certainly not intended to reduce spectator enthusiasm. Please do not interfere with your child’s coach, especially during play, or do anything else that will detract from the enjoyment your child deserves to get from fastpitch softball. Failure to follow this guideline will result in the immediate dismissal of you and your child from the team. Parents are strictly forbidden to enter the dugout or onto the field unless instructed by one of the coaches to do so.

Parents must ally themselves with the coach in teaching their children how to cope with the frustrations of being a member of a team. Sports provide an excellent opportunity to teach young women about the realities of highly competitive situations. They must be taught how to be a cooperative team member, how to make use of both positive feedback and constructive criticism, how to cope with adversity, how to achieve “mental toughness”, and how to be a gracious winner.

The most effective way to establish a good rapport with a coach is to display a high level of commitment to the activity. Players need to learn to display their commitment by coming early and staying late, doing extra preparation, being enthusiastic about the activity, and actively and publicly supporting their teammates. A parent who is successful in teaching these skills will never have to worry whether the coach is giving their child a fair break. If a player has a concern with a coach, parents have the responsibility for teaching their child steps to remedy the concern. The following steps must be taken if any player/parent has a concern with the coach:

1. Player should discuss the concern with the coach and try to arrive at a solution. The coach should not be considered unapproachable. He or she is willing to listen to a player’s concern and try to arrive at a mutual solution. Until the coach is made aware of the concern, nothing at all can be done to alleviate it. Do not wait until the end of the season to voice your concern.
2. If, after time, the concern is not resolved, the player and parents may make an appointment to meet offsite to speak with the coach. Please do not approach a coach in the dugout or on the field to discuss a concern at practice or tournament. Failure to follow this guideline will result in the immediate dismissal of your and your child from the team.
3. If a resolution is still not reached once the player and parents have met with the coach, the player and parents may make an appointment with the organization President to voice their concerns.


The Ohio Edge remains a totally self-funded organization. Funds are obtained through either player/team fees or through fundraisers, contributions and donations. Individual player fees cover tournament registration fees, USA/PGF/NSA/USSSA sanction fees, insurance, uniforms, equipment and training facilities.

Although team fees may vary depending on many things such as which and how many tournaments are played, uniform selection and etc.…typical player fees average $600-800. Each player will receive a minimum of 2 pants, 2 jerseys, 2 pair of socks, 1 belt and a batting helmet. Players will keep everything they are issued. The Ohio Edge Fastpitch Organization makes no profit and no person is paid any salary. Player fees do not cover camps/clinics, fall leagues, fall exposure, winter tournaments, nationals, cleats, face protector, sliding shorts and travel or hotel rooms. The Head Coach will determine the payment schedule for player fees for their team.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ask your coach about payment options for your team. Also, be aware if you are offered and accept a payment plan, you are expected to make those payments on time each month until the debt is paid in full. Failure to meet your obligation by missing a payment will result in you or your daughter being dismissed from the team immediately. No exceptions. No refunds.

Player fees are non-refundable. If a player accepts a spot on an Ohio Edge roster and changes her mind at a later date, the Ohio Edge incurs expenses in recruiting a replacement, including advertising, time spent and facility rental. The overwhelming majority of the funds spent by the Ohio Edge are done in the winter, which is why we must collect the fees well before the season begins.

Each team’s budget is based on the tournament and practice schedule, uniform costs, sanction and insurance fees, etc. and is subject to change based on roster changes, tournament changes and other contributing factors. All paid fees including sponsorship donations are non-refundable even if a player leaves the team, is dismissed or chooses not to attend a tournament.

A ledger of all team account activity is available upon request. Please contact your Head Coach.


Currently due to COVID, all fundraising has been put on hold for the 2020-2021 season and will be reevaluated after January 1, 2021.

Any sponsorship that a player brings into the organization will receive 100% of the sponsorship towards their individual player fees. Any amount exceeding their total individual player fees will then be divided equally among the remaining players on the team. Sponsorships will also receive a mention on the Ohio Edge Fastpitch Facebook page as well as be included on our organization website and if a team chooses to do a banner, the sponsors logo will be included on the banner. All sponsorships are tax deductible and sponsors will receive a receipt from the organization along with our tax except number.

Player Agreement & Consent

I, have read, understand, and agree to the policies, procedures and obligations set forth in the Ohio Edge Parent/Player Organization Handbook. As evidence by my signature, I certify that I have read and understand all of the foregoing and consent to abide by the rules and policies as set forth herein.

Parent’s Agreement & Consent

I have read, understand, and agree to the policies, procedures and obligations set forth in the Ohio Edge Parent/Player Organization Handbook. As evidence by my signature, I certify that I have read and understand all of the foregoing and consent to abide by the rules and policies as set forth herein. In addition, I certify that as Parent or Guardian of this participant, I have explained to my daughter the aforementioned stipulated conditions and their ramifications and I consent to her participation in the programs conducted under the appropriate National Sanctioning body of softball that the team may play under. I agree to pay the fees set forth by the team, allowing my daughter to participate in the program.


In an emergency, when parents cannot be reached, please contact:
Player Information:
I, the parent or guardian having legal custody of the above player. I authorize all medical, surgical, diagnostic, and hospital care or procedures which may be performed or prescribed for my child by a licensed physician or hospital, when efforts to contact me are unsuccessful and when deemed immediately necessary or advisable by the physician to safeguard my child’s health. I waive my right of informed consent to such treatment.


I, the undersigned, as the parent or legal guardian of the minor child named below, do hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate as a member of the OHIO EDGE Girl’s Fastpitch Softball Organization.

I understand that there are certain risks of damages and injuries, including death, inherent in the practice and play of softball, as well as in traveling in other related activities incidental to my child’s participation, and I am willing to assume these risks on behalf of my child. These risks include, but are not limited to, those hazards associated with weather conditions, travel, playing conditions, equipment and other participants.

I understand that sliding into a base is dangerous to my child and to other players and may result in serious injury or death.

I understand that the very nature of the game of softball is hazardous and risky, including, but not limited to, the acts of throwing, fielding and catching of the ball, the swinging of the bat, running, jumping, stretching, sliding, diving, and collisions with other players and with stationary objects, all of which can cause serious injury or death to my child and to other players.

Further, I agree that in consideration for the right to allow my child to participate as a member of the OHIO EDGE and in consideration for permission to play on the fields arranged for by the team:

1. On behalf of my child and myself, I do voluntarily elect to accept and solely assume all risks of injury incurred or suffered by my child (a) while practicing or playing as a member of the team, (b) while serving in a non-playing capacity as a team member during practice or play by other teams or by other players on my child’s team, and (c) while on or upon the premises of any and all of the fields arranged for by the OHIO EDGE for practice or play.

2. In addition to giving my full consent for my child’s participation, I do hereby release, discharge and agree not to sue the OHIO EDGE and/or it’s officers, coaches the team sponsors, the owner or operator of any field the team practices on, the Amateur Softball Association of America, or their owners, officers, agents, servants, associations, employees, or any person or entity connected with the team, league, field or Amateur Softball Association of America for any claim, damages, costs including attorney fees, or cause of action which I have or may in the future as a result of injuries or damages sustained or incurred by my child from whatever cause including but not limited to the negligence, breach of contract or wrongful conduct of the parties hereby released.

I hereby certify that my child is fully capable of participating in the designated sport and that my child is healthy and has no physical or mental disabilities or infirmities that would restrict full participation in these activities, except as made known to coaches and officers of the team.

I further agree on behalf of myself and my child listed below, that I shall hold harmless and fully indemnify the parties hereby released from any and all claims, damages, costs including attorney fees, and causes of action which may arise from any cause of action made by me or by, through or on behalf of my child, even if damages, injuries or death are caused in whole or in part by any of the persons or entities hereby released.


* indicates required fields