2024 RYBSA Sponsor Form

Our goal is to provide a structured youth league as an outlet to teach our kids the value of team work, sportsmanship & fair play.

Sponsors are an integral part of our program. They allow us to provide uniforms to teams as well as maintain safe fields and facilities for all involved.

We offer 4 types of Sponsorships:

BANNER SPONSOR - $250 - Your company name/logo/message will appear on a 3x5 banner to be displayed prominently on the fences at the ball park. Your company will also be listed on the league website. Artwork for banner and donation due April 1.

TEAM SPONSOR - $250 - Your donation provides uniforms for 1 team and your company name will be displayed on the back of the jerseys (note- availability of teams is sometimes limited and requests are filled as best as possible, but not guaranteed) Your company will receive recognition in the form of a sponsor plaque at the end of the season and be listed on the league website. Registration and donation due March 12.

HOME RUN SPONSOR - $400 - You will receive all the above benefits at discounted rate. In addition, you will receive 2 printed jerseys for the team you sponsor in your requested sizes.

HARDSHIP SPONSOR - $100 - RYBSA wishes for every child to have the opportunity to play ball. If you would like to sponsor a child or family, please give us a call!

Please mail your payment to:
PO Box 13
Rogers, TX 76569

or send via Paypal to: rybsainfo@gmail.com

Our Sponsor Chair will be in touch with you ASAP. Please send any inquiries to: rybsainfo@gmail.com

* indicates required fields