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Coaching Application - 2019

South Lebanon Athletic Association
2019 Baseball Coach's Code of Conduct

As a coach, I acknowledge below I will:

1. Demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship at all times.
2. Understand and demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game for their respective team(s), and teach these rules to my players.
3. Motivate players to produce their best effort, HELP players to learn, and encourage players to possess a “winning attitude.”
4. Take responsibility to control the actions of parents, players, and spectators.
5. Be accountable for all SLAA issued property, fields, and buildings, including equipment located on the field or in the building being utilized.
6. Report all injuries or damage to property to SLAA within 24 hours of such occurrence.
7. Report to SLAA any inquiry into the policy of the program or possible violation thereof, as well as whatever action has been taken.
8. Abide by all SLAA rules and regulations.
9. Insure the cleanliness of facilities and fields upon completion of his or her activities at Home and Away fields.
10. Respect the decisions of the SLAA Board, should disciplinary actions be required of me, players on my team, or team as a whole.

As a coach, I acknowledge below I will NOT:

1. Engage in any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely upon SLAA, its members or its programs
2. Physically, psychologically, or verbally abuse any player on his or her team, or any other team, referee, SLAA volunteers, or parent even in jest.
3. Strike, push, or shove any game official, another coach, or a spectator.
4. Use profanity, profane gestures, arguing, inciting disruptive behavior by spectators and/or players, or engage in any conduct contrary to the spirit of good sportsmanship.
5. Drop any player from participation in a game, without the action first being approved by SLAA. SLAA must be notified immediately if any player is suspended temporarily for disciplinary reasons.
6. Represent himself or herself as an officer or spokesperson for SLAA to any group, committee, or county agency without approval of the SLAA board.
7. Offer to any other group or organization use of any SLAA equipment or facilities without approval of SLAA.
8. Condone the use of any drugs, alcoholic beverages, or any other undesirable activity.

Ackowledge Below:

Coaching Clearances - Mandatory for ALL Coaches - No Exceptions

PA Childline:

State Police:


* indicates required fields