2022-2023 Stanley Minor Hockey Registration
Register now for the 2022-2023 season All families registering players for the first time with no other siblings currently registered with Stanley Minor Hockey MUST register in person in order to get your code and instructions for the mandatory online "Respect In Sport" course, an additional $15 will be charged for this. For registration a minimum payment of $200.00 is required at registration. Full payment is due by December 1/2022 ($50.00 late charge will be applied after this date) If required, there will be a wait list for those registering after October 1, 2022. Bulldog Bonanza Fundraiser - Families are required to take part in the annual fundraiser (Only one required per family, so $160 per family) or families have the option to buyout ($80). Please see the below info. and links for minor hockey funding for the upcoming season.  Hockey Canada Assist Fund - HockeyCanada.ca/AssistFund  KidSport -? https://kidsportcanada.ca/new-brunswick/  Jumpstart - ? https://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1NP5_sya8gIVjY7ICh0- 6gApEAAYASAAEgJyXvD_BwE ? SMHA wants every child who would like to play to be able! Please reach out to stanleyminorhockey@gmail.com if you have questions regarding support with funding or equipment. All remains confidential.
SMHA Coaching Application Form 2023-2024
Please complete this form if you are interested in coaching during the 2023-2024 year.
York North Coaching Application Form 2023-2024
Please complete this form if you are interested in coaching during the 2023-2024 year.
Stanley Minor Hockey Association Tournament Application - 2023-2024
Please complete this form if you are registering a team to take part in one of our 2023-2024 tournaments.

Please note: You will get a confirmation email from our tournament director. If you haven't received your confirmation please contact smha.tournaments@gmail.com
Bulldog Bonanza 50/50 Lottery Membership
Competitive Try-out Form