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Author TOPIC: Week 1 Expoitation Station with the Commish
Antwon Blunt

April 6, 2011
9:25:16 AM

Entry #: 3694649
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Welcome to the Exploitation Station with Commissioner Blunt . Every Wednesday I will try to exploit as many teams and players as possible who need their cards pulled.

Altho it may not happen... It really looks like the Top 12 teams in the league have a chance to knock each other off during the season. The Bottom four, not to sure... So its time for the exploitation

Well well well...Steelers let the Big Bad Young Gunz beat them again... what is that a million straight losses to them? Yeah yeah yeah Mr. Swin you beat them in the “Kings Of CT” but are you ready to admit there's a new Sheriff in town? Its simple, you could have beat the Young Gunz If you simply would have not Started Andrew Alleyne @ QB... Not that Drew is terrible, but you have to let the best players play at all times to win. Rocket gives the New Look Steelers the Best Chance To win Period!.You guys wasted the first few series on offense and it turned out to cost you. Don't do it again! Let the superstar Bryant do what he does and that's make plays with the ball in his hand.

Vikings Vikings Vikings.... I didn't know because you wear purple your supposed to cry every year..hahahahahahahaha. Its time you start to look in the mirror and see whats wrong with your teams and stop pointing at officials. I'm gonna give it to you raw. Scott Dolch doesn't hurt your team but he doesn't help it reach its maximum potential. Ivan Schmidt does not get a single catch in an entire game? Ivan is unguardable no matter who in the league tries . So no catches for him is unacceptable. Even if the QB just has to hand him the ball. YOU MUST FIND ANY WAY FOR HIM TO MAKE PLAYS!.And that is the job of your QB...Dolch has to tune it up or you need to search the free agent wire ASAP before the season fades away and players choose not to come .

Bearcats look like maybe the best team in the league...(thats including the Young Gunz). The new recruits of size strength and speed, have the Bearcats looking like the Southington Knights. Its very eerie how close those teams remind me of each other. Oilers look great but just ran into probably one of the best teams in the state. Lets hope the Bearcats record will reflect their talent at season end.

Mike Colavito better step his game up to help what looks like can be a stout defense. When you have a DT that's 6ft 5in and over 350 lbs and very fast feet surrounded by tigers you better put up more than 7 points. On another note, next time you can kneel the ball to end the game and you decide to throw a INT for pride. You will be destroyed! Smarten up! Big Business @ DT for the gamblers probably had more batted batted balls than all DB's this weekend. Beech Raiders although they didn't score look like they will be a nuisance for each and every “top team” in the league... Their pass blocking yesterday was top notch.

Cowboys please don't ever say your better than the Assassins ever again....If it even slips out of your mouth you will be executed on site. You can not beat them 9 out of 10 times like you claimed before. As i've stated in the pre season the Assassins are a new type of team. Lets hope they can prove me right

Elite you need to get to the game on time.. If it wasn't your team looking so nice with the CFFL officially licensed uniforms you would have been kicked out the league just like the Waterbury teams. Corey Maddox of the Rams... you lost on the bounty week 1...I'm not talking to you for 24 hours.

HitsSquad... If you ever take Joel out the game again for Shane Milledge, I'm going to send your team packing to Waterbury where everyone's friends and super friendly... This league is for competitors who want to win. Yes Robles may struggle at times, but hes your best chance to win. When you bench your QB for any reason teams start to lose confidence in them.. Your teams is in an upcoming process and at this point you need to live or die with the QB Robles, to ensure a chance of a winning season.

Wolverines I like you guys because your a crazy bunch of dudes, who want to play any and everybody. But don't come to the site exclaiming things are going to be different after beating up on the Springfield team. And to the Lions Den. May God Have Mercy ON Your Soul When You Play The Young Gunz


April 6, 2011
9:43:17 AM

Entry #: 3694671
that lion den team is not from the flag league out there...they must be a nepw teams

April 6, 2011
11:04:01 AM

Entry #: 3694758
gunz gonna score 70 lolz

Nick 56

April 6, 2011
1:36:53 PM

Entry #: 3694949
I would like to use this exploitation forum to exploit the two refs of the Cowboys Assassins game who failed to call the most obvious false start in the history of flag football which led to the winning score. Also a questionable flag gaurd call led to a Rick Padilla (aka the rising star) score being called back. Yes the Assassins are a good team but we were also screwed by the refs...Famous Amos be the bigger man and admit you had a false start!

Smiley #6 -Wolverines

April 6, 2011
2:56:02 PM

Entry #: 3695039
Gunz gonna score 70????? Hold up wait a minute, they didn't score 70 on us last season when we played them so O_o "whatchu talkin bout willis?"

assassins camp

April 6, 2011
5:52:55 PM

Entry #: 3695190
Stop crying, yall didn't get flagged for hitting our qb, our tackle got kicked out for one late block n black,yall jumped off sides a couple times an nobody called it on yall yall had a chance to score and yall couldnt we could of scored on yall again had the time not ran out

assasins 15

April 6, 2011
7:21:44 PM

Entry #: 3695245
first off good game cowboys... ref missed calls on both sides... game couldve went either way... keep yall heads up n ball.... one or 2 calls didnt decide this game....good luck 2yall sunday!!!

Nick 56

April 6, 2011
9:04:11 PM

Entry #: 3695299
No one is complaining about losing and I called you a good team, I never exploited you I exploited the Refs Mr. no name. As for your QB getting hit you did get a 15 yard penalty for that and saying "we could have scored more if the time didn't run out" shows how simple minded you are. OF COURSE you could have scored if there was more time lol.

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