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Author TOPIC: Picks of the week

May 28, 2011
2:20:45 PM

Entry #: 3735623
Gunz vs Lions - Gunz (forfeit)
Havoc vs Rams - Havoc (forfeit)
Hitsquad vs Lions - Hitsquad (forfeit)
Steelers vs Rams - Steelers (forfeit)

Hitsquad vs franchise - Hitsquad - too much defense for franchise to handle. can they slow down smooth hayes n that dline? franchise doesnt allow too many points either so this should be good. if robles comes back this week i expect em to edge out franchise

Gunz vs Fearnun - Fearnun - Gunz been ballin, but so has Fearnun. I think fearnun is more physical all around, and you see what happens when you play physical against the gunz, hitsquad just couldnt finish strong. im takin this mass team in a close one. (sleeper pick)

Oilers vs Fearnun - Oilers - i know the gunz beat the oilers last week but i think this kid at wr for the oilers is gonna be a game changer. Marcus Aiken, remember the name. Fearnun knows all about mark n zo, so this kid should get his this game. if fearnun can bang up that oilers oline, they got a good chance. should be another good game

Gunz vs Franchise - Gunz - i dont think franchise has the all around game to beat such a high caliber team in the Gunz. their offense is what will cost them this game

Havoc vs Wolves - Havoc - havoc might play their 2nd strings in this one n still come out with the w. too, too physical for the wolves to man up on. they may not even score

Oilers vs Highrollerz - Oilers - i know highrollerz got pig n all that, but they only got a handful of talent. the oilers d SHOULD contain pig n move the ball on this defense. we shall see

Wolves vs Steelers - Steelers - another physical team that should handle the wolves. rocket should have a field day, n that dline a get 5 plus sacks

Cowboys vs Fearnun - Fearnun - from the looks of things, we may be lookin at the CFFL's version of the detriot lions. Fearnun should get it done. cowboys dont have a potent offense to contend

Assassins vs Raiders - Raiders - i picked assassins to win a few more games before and they proved me wrong, so they should lose this game just off that. lol i think raiders are a better team anyways (not that much better) but enough to get the win

Cowboys vs Highrollerz - Highrollerz - hey cash by this game, both of ya'll should be 0-1 on the day. are you ready to make Gor and the cowboys (one of your former teams) the laughing stock of the league? again, no potent offense for the cowboys to contend, otherwise cowboys would of had a chance.

Vikings vs Bearcats - Bearcats - i know josh Spence took the w from his former team last spring during a controversial game last spring, so the vikings will come hard this game, but i cant see them beating the bearcats with that potent offense and solid defense. good game to watch

Assassins vs Bearcats - Bearcats - uummm....yea. i wont pick the assassins again! lol

Vikings vs Raiders - Vikings - just a better team to me

Another great weekend for football n its going to be HOT! stay cool and stay safe

n like PRIMETIME stated before, cut the fighting, toughguy shit out! we got families that come out to these games, lets keep it positive n competitive! one love

May 29, 2011
8:23:03 PM

Entry #: 3735914
Good game high rollers. Too bad Oilers didn't have the key to there offensive Marcus and missing one of the best Dbs on defense AB. Taylor good game against fearnun the refs stole your 103 yd TD interception


May 29, 2011
8:35:01 PM

Entry #: 3735920
I hope that isn't a "slick" way of saying that's why the Oilers lost. Why say it for the game they lost but not the game they won?

New Fan

May 29, 2011
10:41:38 PM

Entry #: 3735965
Hey sorry to dissapoint you Goodfella but the Wolves score and they kept Havoc at 12 points. It was a good game 12-7. Thats not bad going againts the number one team.


May 30, 2011
12:13:31 PM

Entry #: 3736122
Good looks no name. Guess the game could of been diff with Marcus Aikens and AB but these 2 both have theirs own lives to live and they are both adults that play flag football just for fun. So on every given Sunday make sure any team in the C.F.F.L is ready to play with the players they have point blank NO Excuses !!


May 30, 2011
12:33:34 PM

Entry #: 3736135
Yes Shields no excuses it's plenty of teams that could use excuses but don't.

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