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Author TOPIC: Facts about the SPring 2010 Season
Comissioner Blunt

May 2, 2012
5:24:10 PM

Entry #: 3908117
Ive been biting my tongue on this issue about this, but on "other sites its been stated that "Chris Severno" ran the "hartford League and brought it up to 23 teams lol

This is what ive post on the other site today, after he had written he had created this league lol....

Not trying to put anyone down but facts must be given

Im breaking my vow to never respond on this board. Chris you NEVER ran the hartford league when I had 24 teams...Not 23... 19 teams either already played in Hartford or NEVER heard of you and or at this point NEVER PARTICPATED IN A gcffa EVENT as most of the new teams I found or created. Your sent 5 "GCFFA" teams becasue you went to Florida. AND ARE ISTED BELOW

1.(Southington Warriors)
2.(New Britain Falcons)
3.(Southington Knights)
4.(Willimantic Bull Dogs)
5.(New Britain Young Gunz)

Hartford Oilers
Massachusetts Paper City Havoc Ravens
Hartford Gatorz
Enfield Starrs
Hartford Steelers
N.E.F.A. Vikings
Hartford Hit Squad
Hartford Eagles
Massachussetts Fearnun
Compton Outlawz
Hartford Razorbacks
Hartford Saints
Manchester Falcons
Hartford Jaguars
East Hartford Panthers
Connecticut Stealth
Hartford Red Dogs
Windsor Night Riders

Im only posting becasue you seem to keep taking credit for something you had very little to do with.

May 2, 2012
6:30:44 PM

Entry #: 3908166
Sorry to burst all the commissioners bubbles but you use the word created but the teams will be here no matter what you did not make them or make them better I think that sometimes you guys seem to take credit like you made the teams and league better and I think the teams that have formed make you look good if all the same teams played and there was no commissioner it would still be just as good if not better. You guys need to get your heads out the clouds and realize where the teams play is where the best league is not the commissioners

Commishoner Blunt

May 2, 2012
6:59:05 PM

Entry #: 3908180
Your missing the whole point teams will always be there and leagues will always be there. Why do you think I dont care if teams play in my league or not. Another team will replace them. GUARNTEED.And vice versa teams will find other leagues GUARNTEED.I dont know what your arguing here I basically stated facts I created some teams and found others.FACTS!!!!

May 2, 2012
7:13:32 PM

Entry #: 3908193
Not arguing it just seems you guys always fight over what you did for flag football and it is all up to were the teams are from and were they decide to play. I was just saying the teams make the best leagues not the commissioners. FACTS !!!

May 2, 2012
7:27:17 PM

Entry #: 3908199
Let's just worry about Hartford. I don't know why people from this league would even bother with waterburys web site. Who cares what they say or what they think. Let's just play football.

Comissioner Blunt

May 2, 2012
10:12:51 PM

Entry #: 3908341
It doesnt say anywhere what ive done for flag football, only what ive actually done lol... your creating your own argument lol

If all the teams leave id get new teams, or if i cant get new teams I just wont have a league its that simple.

And a new flag football league will sprout again... So whats your argument? lmao

May 3, 2012
9:39:53 AM

Entry #: 3908526
your right


May 3, 2012
10:23:47 AM

Entry #: 3908560

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