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September 2, 2012
7:49:19 AM

Entry #: 3970903
vikings and eagles scrimmage today at 10:00 and i hear the gators will be down there also.

September 2, 2012
9:25:26 PM

Entry #: 3971186
So how those scrimmages go

September 2, 2012
10:11:45 PM

Entry #: 3971212
well todays games went alittle like this
eagles went at it wit the vikes first lets just say this got out of hand real early for the eagles but i think the final score was something like 30to6 the eagles just need a few good players to add and they can still be a good team maybe not the team from last but they look like they headed for a 500 season
vikes lookd goood wit ivan and the boys going hamm on the eagles dbs over all i see the vikes on the raise they could be back to the team of old?????eagles and the gators went at it the gators came out wit the b team but they brought their a game they smachd the eagles wit logan at qb over all the eagles just couldnt stop the run nor the pass against the gators but the gators d was on point new comers joe ish and david lookd like they been playn wit these guys the hole time but we waitn to c the gators when they bring the big guns out???score was like 30to 12 great games guys lets get this season on the road

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