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Author TOPIC: 2005 Season

January 16, 2005
10:20:01 PM

Entry #: 671886
We had a meeting the other night and we will be getting team(s) from the Stan Musial. I MUST know which teams are coming back, so we know how many teams we need.

I sent out E-Mails to each manager several weeks ago and I still haven't heard from Hackensack, Cresskill and someone told me that Hoboken is coming back but I still haven't heard from them either.

The Stan Musial League has a meeting this coming Sunday, January 23rd, and they MUST KNOW at that time.

PLEASE let us all know in the next few days. If I don't hear from any of the 3 teams by Thursday, it will tell me that they aren't interested in coming back.

I am sick and tried of teams not getting back to me, and it has to stop.

The ball is in your court.

Thanks, President, Henry Hascup

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