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Author TOPIC: Easy way to Disney

November 7, 2012
2:28:25 PM

Entry #: 4008099
I'm not sure the way these competions are held that the best teams are going to Nationals. Looking at OOA for regional finals, there's almost 40 teams that are guaranteed to go to Nationals because they are not up against any competition. There are max two teams in all of these brackets! Can that be?


November 7, 2012
2:35:00 PM

Entry #: 4008105
When PW added the new divisions, this thinned out alot of the competition. Ya, agree, if your not up aginst anyone, ya go see Mickey! Don't remember having so few teams in divisions.


November 7, 2012
3:14:00 PM

Entry #: 4008131
Sure hope it's changed.
This made many people unhappy.


November 7, 2012
6:53:10 PM

Entry #: 4008274
I am a cheer mom with a daughter on one of the teams that, as you put it, has an Easy way to Disney ??? / no competetion. My daughters team is amazing, the team is like a machine !! Better every year, and yes they are a level 4 team ! They practice hard and have also had several changes and injuries this year, and still wow the why is it an easy road if no other team comes into their catagory
Some time the easy road is easy because


November 7, 2012
8:04:53 PM

Entry #: 4008319
Coaches and coordinators choose categories based on teams capabilities in August. There is no way to predict who is in the category. All teams work just as hard regardless of how much competition they have. There is no "easy" way to FL.


November 8, 2012
10:33:47 AM

Entry #: 4008512
Is the format in which high school cheering is done as well?


November 8, 2012
11:16:44 AM

Entry #: 4008538
I am the cheer coordinator and head coach for one of the teams that is making it to Disney. It is not an easy rode. If anything it is very difficult. My team knows that they still need to work hard, hit it and earn good scores in order to go. They also feel such negativity from people who say they have a free ride. They do not. I have told them they need to do well to go and I know that they want to do well to prove everyone wrong about earning a free ride.


November 8, 2012
11:35:49 AM

Entry #: 4008549
I am not a level 4 coach, but I have had this talk with a level 4 coach who has had comments like this made to her and her team. If you think that it's an "easy road" for ANY level 4 team, I disagree. In order to be level 4- you need level 4 skills. Those skills are not easy to learn. They work HARD for those skills, and i commend any team who is level 4. So even if they don't have a lot of teams to compete with till they get to fla, they still work hard. or possibly harder to get and maintain those skills.

I wish everyone luck this weekend :)


November 8, 2012
11:55:16 AM

Entry #: 4008563
I agree there is no easy way. They girls no matter what work soo hard. My daughter is on a squad that doesn't have many to compete with until this Saturday which has more than just 2, but still no matter what they all work hard. There is no easy road!


November 8, 2012
3:01:32 PM

Entry #: 4008663
My daughter is on one of the teams with the "easy" way to Disney as ppl call it.. They are awesome and work extremely hard.. it is not their fault they are in a category with no on to compete against. I think they want to prove to everyone there that beucase they are alone they deserve to be there which they do.


November 8, 2012
3:24:22 PM

Entry #: 4008671
If im not mistaken these teams still have to make their scores to move on.on any given day that routine could not no it is not easy.


November 8, 2012
7:43:45 PM

Entry #: 4008825
I dont think anyone is "mad" at the girls that do work really hard on their routines and try to get the best score possible. I think the divisions in a whole need to be looked at. And also, correct me if I am wrong... if there are only 2 teams in a division for Saturday... they automatically go to Florida... there is no score that needs to be met... correct?

Cheer Fan75

November 9, 2012
6:51:22 AM

Entry #: 4008926
I am a coach of a Level 4 team and my kids have been picked on all season long (by kids, parents and other coaches) for having a "free ride" to Disney. It is heartbreaking to see these kids, who CLEARLY have Level 4 skills, be ostracized from their friends they way they are just because they don't have any competition on their way there. As coaches, it is our job to evaluate our teams the first two weeks of August and determine where to place them as far as Levels. We don't always get it right, but I believe most coaches make the right decisions regarding declarations. I just find it very unfair that these kids who work JUST AS HARD as other teams who do have competition are constantly having to hear rumblings from other coaches, parents, athletes about a "free ride" because if anyone came to any of our practices, you'd see that there's NOTHING "easy" about being on a Level 4 team. Not being from Eastern MA but an avid reader of this forum (wish my league had this!) I just wanted to add my two cents...and to wish all of the Eastern MA teams good luck tomorrow! What a talented and classy bunch of athletes you have!


November 9, 2012
8:34:41 AM

Entry #: 4008959
People will always have something negative to say I love watching the level 4 teams. They have to go level 4 or else everyone would complain they are a stacked team in a level 3. You can't win with the complainers.


November 9, 2012
8:50:43 AM

Entry #: 4008973
SMP Completely agree! No matter what, people will always complain!


November 9, 2012
8:53:11 AM

Entry #: 4008974
The rule was put in place this year that they do have to meet scores.thats what we were told at our local coaches certification


November 9, 2012
2:27:35 PM

Entry #: 4009238
There are several PW3 teams that CLEARLY should be PW4 which would give these PW$ AMAZING cheerleaders competition.

4 nights in the gym practicing and tumbling classes on top of that -their dedication is amazing but for what?

More team sizes added and more levels added and then having parents pay money because they have no competition at Disney to watch the girls exhibit.

Just nuts..........


November 9, 2012
3:17:55 PM

Entry #: 4009270
Who gets to practice 4 nights a week???? lucky them.... our girls were lucky to practice one night a week on mats...
Again, dont be haters on the girls on the teams that are advancing due to lack of teams in their division... it was not their decision.

cheer dad lpw

November 9, 2012
3:40:11 PM

Entry #: 4009291
As for a easy way to Disney the level 4 teams are amazing teams, but also some of the level 3 should be level 4 , on sat i seen a level 1 tumbler on the practice mat do back hand spring tuck,and still i can't believe that they had 11 med midget team level 3 on sat then on sunday just 2 they should had all on the same day .to me thats and easy way to the regionals.


November 9, 2012
3:45:21 PM

Entry #: 4009293
Footballcheery you said it perfectly. There is no "free ride" or "easy ride" To Disney. All the level 4 teams I know practice 4 days a week and tumble at least 2 days a week if not more. They may not have competition but its certainly NOT their choice. My team was very disappointed when we found out there was no competition and still are. That takes alot of the fun out of it.
I wish Pop Warner would go back to Small and Med so at least there would be a better chance of competition. And I wish those awesome level 3 teams would step up and show what they really have.


November 9, 2012
3:46:05 PM

Entry #: 4009294
Just like any other sport the cheerleaders should progress the longer they participate in the sport and if my child had level 4 tumbling and stunting and was on a lower level team and could not use the skills she worked so hard to get I would not be happy about it I don't care what anyone says level 4 teams work just as hard and definately do not have an easy road regardless they still have to do the skills and i dont think anyone can say doing a roundoff full or layout or a kick twist basket etc is easy think about what these kids do before saying anything is easy.

cheer dad lpw

November 9, 2012
3:49:44 PM

Entry #: 4009296
well said both of you


November 9, 2012
9:57:24 PM

Entry #: 4009496
It ALL needs to change. They need to go back to the basics:

Small/Large Teams

NO INVITES and declarations should be made by someone OTHER than the individual associations.

Teams in certain categories have no compettition with the games that are played (declaring teams PW3 when clearly they should be PW4) and it is not fair - mainly to the girls that work so hard day in/day out.

Just one person's opinion :)


November 9, 2012
10:13:51 PM

Entry #: 4009504
How do you know for a fact that a Level 3 team should have declared Level 4 - Just because they are good? Yes, there may be one or two girls that have more skill in tumbling or stunting, but it is not an individual sport - you need to go with what the majority of the team can do. Just because someone can throw a running tuck does not mean that the same girl can do a standing tuck, a layout or a full. When you choose your level in August, it is hard to see how well the team can progress. You also do not know what other teams are going as - it is a hard decision these days to put together teams and declare their levels. You want to be competitive, and you want them to succeed. It is not fair for people to judge other teams stating that they are either taking the easy way out or not performing at the proper level.


November 12, 2012
1:48:27 PM

Entry #: 4010593
Regardless of level 4...I don't think it's fair that some teams get to go to Regionals and automatically get to move on to Nationals just because there were only 2 teams in the division. I coached a Jr. Midget Medium Level 1 and there was nobody from the Day 1 qualifier so we automatically moved on. It wasn't very fun.


November 12, 2012
9:26:35 PM

Entry #: 4010884
in the division we competed in...all the teams were in the first only 2 teams were at finals,so please dont suggest they didn't earn it.Im sure many divisions were like that.I will say awards were very boring with so few teams in each division


November 13, 2012
8:22:28 AM

Entry #: 4010990
Do teams that advance to Florida get put in a higher division the next year?


November 13, 2012
9:22:58 AM

Entry #: 4011003
Because of the way the system is now set up, there may be only two teams in a division competing. These teams went through due process of competition and earned the right to compete at Nationals. With added divisions, the amount of teams competing with a division naturally has thinned out. They earned it.


November 13, 2012
10:11:07 AM

Entry #: 4011023
On the other hand, at qualifiers, things were amiss.
In midget M3, We attended both days of comp. There were at least 4 teams from Saturday's comp, IMO that were clearly better than the 2 teams that advanced on Sunday! It wasn't even close! On Saturday there were 12 teams competing in Midg M3, where Sunday only had 2 teams. Here was a case where the four best teams were NOT at Regionals. Need to change that.


November 13, 2012
10:36:02 AM

Entry #: 4011044
You want to make sure the four best teams are competing at NE Regionals?
Simple.. Change the format of the two day qualifier.
Have all New England JP and PW's compete Saturday.
Have all New England JM and Midg compete Sunday.
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th advance to NE Regionals.
Controversy solved! Nothing to debate as ALL of your Division's competition is on the same day!


November 13, 2012
11:01:40 AM

Entry #: 4011064
Cheer1969- I as well attended both Sat/Sun qualifiers and again attended regionals. I would like to know exactly which 4 teams you 'suspect' were better than the two from Sunday? I am so tired of the MM3 chatter of how the best were not represented at regionals. It really does sound like emass sour grapes. BOTH those two sunday teams deserved to be there because they competed to get there just like everyone else, regargless of the amount of competition. I know one of those two teams pulled the same skills as the rest of the teams so again not sure where you are getting the not the best teams went? Not only that but they pulled the same skills with 11,12 yr olds...against teams of clearly 13,14,15 yr olds. I just think it is sickening that the adults come on here and complain and not think about the fact that they are basically bashing children and the hard work that theyve put in all season. Everybody needs to accept the placements and move on.

Oh and if you want the best to compete then do away with qualifiers. Have the leaque champs from each conference (no invites) go to regionals like it use to be. It seems silly to do everyone at qualifiers then top 4 compete again...thats basically a regionals right there. Either that or seperate it similar to it is now and have a northern new england comp and a southern new england comp and keep it that way. There needs to be come consistency in how this is run from year to year. And NO INVITES!


November 13, 2012
11:18:16 AM

Entry #: 4011074
totally agree with suzy!!! stop invites, it should be top 2 that move on. this way the kids dont get dissapointed. they will know from the get go!!


November 13, 2012
1:53:31 PM

Entry #: 4011169
Susy- Wow!! You really think that with only 2 teams advancing from each day, that it's fair that 11 teams competed on Saturday for two spots, and ONLY 2 competed on Sunday? And those 2 automatically advanced? This is NOT an emass sour grapes issue as you claim. It's a What's Fair Issue! And I don't agree with you when you say "Everyone needs to accept the placements and move on". We can "move on" when NE PW fixes these problems! We did not have a team in MM3, but realized while watching, that there was going to be a problem with so many teams. Under the definition of "Qualify", if any of those Sat teams had better scores than Sunday's they would have "Qualified" But they didn't do that this year, and nobody knew. Why? It also doesn't matter what 4 teams I "suspect" were better, I'm not the only one with these sentiments. I too watched Regionals and my thoughts remain the same. (This is why ALL scores should be posted, but that's another issue). Lastly, nobody is bashing the children! ALL the girls have worked very hard and have given 100% to their teams all season. Which is why the adults need to step up and fix the system. There were teams this year that paid the price for these decisions. You owe it to them.


November 13, 2012
2:21:32 PM

Entry #: 4011177
I think it's time to move on and wish the best to those squads competing at nationals. There are eight conferences in new england not just one.


November 13, 2012
2:51:44 PM

Entry #: 4011193
What I dont think is fair is that you come on here and take away from the other two teams. You say you are not bashing the children but let me quote you, "Here was a case where the four best teams were NOT at Regionals". If that is not talking down on the other two teams then I dont know what is.

The bottom line is that the other 9 of the 11 teams did not place 1st or 2nd. They did not win and therefore they do not move on. I do not believe in invites or qualifying or whatever term you want to call it. You know who the invites are not fair to? The ones who already won and proved themselves and are then forced to compete against those that they already rightfully beat.

By the way the other two teams on sunday did have to compete at their leaques just to get to qualifiers so neither had a free ride. There were many other divisons who had more or less competition on either day. Unfortunately there may not be a perfect system for all this. There will always be someone who says its not fair or someone who will complain. Life itself is not fair. I find there are many other things in this region that are unfair but I try not to focus on all of it. At the end of the day pop warner was not creating just for the sake of winning. In my opinion, what we need to focus on teaching the children is good sportsmanship, team work, and positive self-esteem. Winning is not the end all be all.

So please for the sake of setting a good example for the children, have good sportmaship and stop taking away from other teams who worked just as hard.


November 13, 2012
3:25:11 PM

Entry #: 4011209
I did not have a horse in this race, but I would have to agree with 1969. Here, you have 2 teams, who are guaranteed to advance, no matter how bad of a performance they have. I can see where this raises a question. Did the best teams advance? Maybe not if indeed some of the group with 11 teams competing, had better scores. That's not hard too see.

A wise woman once said "When unsure how to solve a problem, use your common sense".

I think this may need common sense. LOL


November 13, 2012
3:27:33 PM

Entry #: 4011210
Just let it go!


November 13, 2012
4:29:16 PM

Entry #: 4011237
There are some teams I'm sure, that are finding it very hard to just, "let it go'. They poured their heart and soul into practicing & routines.
If this had happened to my daughters team, and she asked me, what happened? When did the rules change? Do I tell her "Let it go"?
Absolutely not! Especially if she was right! That would be teaching her a lesson which I would not like her to learn. Speak up when you feel there has been an injustice done! Not "Let it go"!
And to the posters who have stated that YOU do not believe in "invites or qualifying or whatever", please remember that All of your competitions this year, have had this Qualifying procedure in place. And please correct me if I am wrong, but did I not read that it was announced at BOTH Qualifiers that if your team qualified, you would be called? So what happened? Your region had a system for advancement in place, and for reasons unknown, your region changed the rules, unbeknownst to EVERYONE! If you "Let it Go", it will happen again. JMO


November 13, 2012
4:53:01 PM

Entry #: 4011255
Noticed MM3 Regional scores that the difference between 2nd place Revere (92.7) and 3rd place North Attleboro (81.1) was about 12 points! I'm pretty sure at qualifiers South County, Dracut, Waltham, Reading & possibly Winchendon all had mid 80 to high 80's. Probably could have qualified! Just sayin'


November 13, 2012
5:11:58 PM

Entry #: 4011264
Is it really necessary to continue with this? Why do you feel it necessary to put down the squads that were in the sunday qualifier? You don't think those cheerleaders worked hard? Pop warner is more than just about winning.

cheer dad lpw

November 13, 2012
6:12:37 PM

Entry #: 4011296
good luck to all e-mass teams i'm done


November 13, 2012
7:09:16 PM

Entry #: 4011320
I can not believe the people on here going on about the MM3 level. No wonder us EMass people have a reputation for being poor sports. Why do you people feel it is necessary to belittle other teams. Also, from what I heard N.Attleboro previously scored in the high 80's so by that account they obviously can and have performed at the level of the other teams. I also heard they got a penalty of some sort at regionals so who knows what they scored pre-penalty. Keep it moving people!


November 13, 2012
7:42:58 PM

Entry #: 4011337
For the sake of the kids, because I don't care what the adults think or say,
As I have said previously, it's all in the presentation to the kids, not the adults. DROP THIS TOPIC, OR THEY WILL SHUT THIS FORUM DOWN.


November 14, 2012
6:02:04 AM

Entry #: 4011483
As a coach of a team that auto advanced I will say that for the girls it has not been easy due to the people who question them. It is so unfair the way the people on this board are speaking and just mean to the children. My girls already hear from kids at school that they have a free ride but to hear from adults as well is not ok. They do not have a free ride. They work very hard and deserve to go. They do so while dealing with all of the negativity like this board. These are children at a Pop Warner level.


November 14, 2012
7:14:20 AM

Entry #: 4011487
Well said Cheer!


November 14, 2012
11:21:26 AM

Entry #: 4011573
Good luck to everyone from New England!

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