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Author TOPIC: Game Etiquette
Cheer coach 17

September 23, 2014
11:33:21 AM

Entry #: 4146497
Just wondering if after at the end of the game if your cheerleaders line up with the football players and shake hands with the other team's football players, cheerleaders & coaches? We always have but at the last 2 games the other cheerleaders have not. We dont realize it until the girls are already lined up, so rather than pull them out of the line (I felt that would look disrespectful) they have just shaken hands with the football players & coaches. At one of the games one of the other team's coaches told the girls that cheerleaders don't belong in the football line, refused to shake their hands & turned and walked away while repeating over & over cheerleaders don't belong in the line & the other coaches followed also not shaking their hands! I thought that it was extremely rude & poor sportsmanship on their part. What is everyone's opinion on this? Do the cheerleaders no longer shake hands? Should I have pulled them out of the line? Or were these coaches just being poor losers because they lost the game?


September 23, 2014
3:51:50 PM

Entry #: 4146531
We were told by our board the girls were not allowed to shake hands any more. They say they were told by someone within EMass board that the girls were not allowed to join in the handshake. Personally, I will not stop any cheerleader from shaking hands. Unfortunately, our coaches hands are tied when the board members are the ones pulling the girls off of the field and out of the line.

excitedcheermom !

September 23, 2014
4:36:08 PM

Entry #: 4146536
For our cheer teams, we do not have the girls go in line. A couple of years ago one of our cheer teams were verbally harassed by the other football team while going through the line. I know it is good sportsmanship but since that happened we do not let the girls go anymore in line.

TPWCoach .

September 30, 2014
2:53:17 PM

Entry #: 4147359
I have my girls always go through the line. We need more sportsmanship in pop warner i consider these little things we do baby steps to thank the boys for being there and giving us a reasom to be there to cheer. Most people forget thats how it all started. The players. Pop warner isnt. Cheer gym so i include my girls in football stuff all the time to remind them.

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