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GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 2

Posted By Comments
June 11, 2021
9:49:52 AM

Entry ID: 2219656
Just wanted to send out a huge thank you!!! C* made All Stars 🌟. I owe a huge chunk of that to you. You took a kid that couldn't catch a ball to a first basemen in an hour!!!! I can not wait for more lessons, you have a God given talent with baseball kids that is amazing and appreciated so very much!!!! Sent from my iPhone
June 28, 2018
12:54:55 AM

Entry ID: 2089135
Jeff has been working with my son Mason for 3 years! Mason's batting average was .642 last travel season and is currently .622 with 2 tournaments left. He is going to be a freshman and is hitting .500 playing summer high school baseball. Jeff is very knowledgeable and a very skilled instructor. His successes and experience as a coach speak for itself. He wins, he teaches and he makes it enjoyable for the players. I highly recommend players of all ages go to Jeff for instruction. If the player wants to learn they will see positive results.

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 2