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Coach Joe
August 13, 2013
9:12:52 AM

Entry ID: 2038423
Outside of the first game of the East End Tournament I think the boys played fantastic soccer and earned a lot of respect not only for themselves but for the WolfPack overall. You could tell the way the East Islip coaches were screaming in the first half they had no clue what they had just run into and most likely figured it would be a piece of cake game for them against a D3 Champion team. Little did they know. I believe the boys also shocked the Evereton team with the way they handled them and the Rough Rider game was a hard fought well earned victory as well. I am very encouraged about this group's future success.
Coach Joe
July 2, 2013
10:39:44 AM

Entry ID: 2034609
I hope I'm correct in thinking that everyone seemed to enjoy the Beach Tournament because it sure did look like it !! In the end it couldn't have worked out any better if I had been asked to tell someone how I wanted it to go. Both halves of the WolfPack advanced to the Finals with impressive victories over the current Massapequa NPL team with the Wolves half putting on an absolute clinic and winning by the score of 10-0. The Real Barca boys also won impressively by a score of 6-1. As some of you adults found out, playing soccer in the sand is not easy and it takes everything out of you. The boys actually moved the ball surprising well for being in the sand and more importantly with an event like this they really seemed to have fun doing it.
Coach Joe
May 28, 2013
7:33:02 AM

Entry ID: 2031177
NEEDHAM RECAP: I felt the boys played very well and had a lot of success. It's possible too much early success that led to a little over confidence heading into the Semifinal game as we did not match the other team's desire in the first 15 minutes of the game which lead to 1 of ONLY 2 GA for the entire weekend. I felt we dominated the 2nd half but just couldn't find the net unfortunately and the game ended 0-1 for us. Losing absolutely stinks no matter when it happens (As a player, like I try to do now, I internalize it so please don't think it doesn't matter OR that it is THE most important thing in the world) BUT we, along with the boys need to focus on the fact they scored 16 GF allowed ONLY 2 GA, won their bracket going undefeated and made it to the Semifinals while playing some great soccer in all 4 games. On another positive note, our boys were THE ONLY team to not only beat the eventual champions but we also held them scoreless as well. I hope in the end everyone, especially the boys, had themselves a great time.
Coach Joe
May 2, 2013
9:29:45 AM

Entry ID: 2028865
I also want to congratulate Charles for his induction into the National Junior Honor Society. Awesome job Charles
Coach Joe
April 27, 2013
11:49:42 AM

Entry ID: 2028391
Another congratulations goes to Tyler for receiving an Honorable Overall Science Achievement Award for the sceince experiment he entered into his School's Science Fair.
Coach Joe
April 27, 2013
9:28:58 AM

Entry ID: 2028378
Something else I strongly felt needed acknowledgement is Dominic's induction into the National Junior Honor Society. I have always felt that is a great accomplishment for any student !!
Coach Martin
Dix Hills
April 27, 2013
9:28:30 AM

Entry ID: 2028377
Yes, Ben worked hard for a couple of months, after qulifying from a paper submitted in January then advancing at the preliminary round held at Suffolk Community College in March, he was award silver at the finals held at Hofstra University on Friday afternoon. It was a great day and a proud moment for the Targetts, well done Ben. Mom and Dad
Coach Joe
April 27, 2013
2:20:53 AM

Entry ID: 2028355
I happened to find out that one of our players achieved, in what is my opinion, an outstanding accomplishment. Although I do not have 100% of the details I do know that Ben was entered in a Math Fair competition and took the Silver home. Congratulation to Ben and (I imagine his very proud) parents :)
Coach Joe
February 3, 2013
3:29:10 PM

Entry ID: 2018609
I feel the boys played very very well overall. 2 Wins, 2 Ties and 1 loss. As we saw one of the ties should have been a win but we were bitten by the poor refereeing bug twice in the same game. Nick had 2 goals on the day, Junior had 2 as well, Sammy/Marcus/Jason & Joe all had 1 goal each while Tyler had 3 assist (could have, should have been about 6 if not for the finishing or lack there of) Andrew had 2 assists and Jason had 1 assist also. 8 GF & 3GA. Good job boys !!!!!
Coach Joe
January 13, 2013
9:29:37 PM

Entry ID: 2015385
Game Results are posted for all 6 games from this weekend
Coach Joe
December 31, 2012
11:42:49 PM

Entry ID: 2012872
HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVERYONE !!!........Without a doubt this was THE BEST YEAR the WolfPack has ever experienced. Our numbers grew, we were UNDEFEATED SUMMER LEAGUE CHAMPIONS AND UNDEFEATED LIJSL CHAMPIONS !!! Looking forward to the 2013 Season
December 25, 2012
5:29:25 PM

Entry ID: 2012364
Merry Christmas everyone. Great poem. That must have taken a long time.
Coach Joe
December 24, 2012
11:42:16 PM

Entry ID: 2012337
Jared Klinkowize
Dix Hills
December 24, 2012
2:19:00 PM

Entry ID: 2012303
Happy holidays and a merry Christmas to all of my wolfpack teamates and thier families. Go Wolfpack!!!!!!
Coach Joe
November 22, 2012
11:25:46 AM

Entry ID: 2008489
Coach Joe
November 17, 2012
10:36:52 PM

Entry ID: 2007467
I decided to sum up the day at the Charity event here instead of trying to do so individually per 25 minute game. First I absolutely have to acknowledge, praise and state how impressed I was with the standout effort by 3 players specifically. That doesn't mean others didn't give great effort just that these 3 went to a different level with their effort. Brandon, Jason & Eder absolute gave everything they had and were NON STOP all 4 games. They were relentless, tracking back to help on defense when playing forward of the ball and we were being attacked. It takes all types of players and player personalities coming together to form a good team and I could write for an hour describing what I mean but I will spare you that. I will say this though. You need guys who defend, attack, distribute, guys that create, guys that are willing/confident enough to take guys on. The latter describes these 3 guys. I am not saying they are all the same but they play similiar style whether they or their parents even realize it. Each has their own little things they do, all hold the ball longer then I typically like some of the time but I have learned over the years teams need players like this because more times then not they are going to make something positive happen and THAT is what we all need to focus on more......NOT the mistakes or what any of the kids can do better but all the things they do so well. I hate to break this to you parents but some of the boys at 11 & 12 are better soccer players already then we were at their ages and even some others better then any have ever been at any age. I will give 1 example then I am going to bed. We didn't score any goals today and I say SO WHAT. The boys moved the ball impessively, they competed hard, they were talking all game long in all four games and I wasn't saying a word to them (I know you are still all probably in shock) did they make mistakes ? Absolutely but did they also do some terrific terrific stuff as well ? You betcha. Focus on the positive. This was a great cause and a very productive day of soccer in my opinion :) BOYS, I AM PROUD OF ALL OF YOU !! KEEP IT UP BECAUSE YOU ARE DOING GREAT !!!!!
Coach Joe
November 11, 2012
11:09:06 PM

Entry ID: 2004069
Game write up for today is completed. Glad we could get the boys playing !!
Coach Joe
October 28, 2012
9:06:54 PM

Entry ID: 1996759
Game Results are posted for all this weekend's games. I'm happy to say the Coach went 4 for 4 this weekend with my BU17 team also winning 1-0 with literally 35 seconds left in the game........Hence why I say my players are shaving years off my life. GREAT GREAT JOB IN ALL 3 GAMES THIS WEEKEND WOLFPACK !!!!!
Coach Joe
October 20, 2012
8:54:51 PM

Entry ID: 1995038
LIJSL Game Results from today are posted.
Coach Joe
October 17, 2012
2:26:16 PM

Entry ID: 1994524
I want to wish Shane a VERY VERY HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY !!!! Time sure does fly
Coach Joe
October 13, 2012
7:53:42 PM

Entry ID: 1994053
LIJSL Game Results are posted
Coach Joe
October 7, 2012
9:19:41 PM

Entry ID: 1993315
OUTSTANDING WEEKEND OF SOCCER BOYS. Defense was crazy good. Proud of all you boys. Game results are entered
Coach Joe
September 29, 2012
11:31:30 PM

Entry ID: 1992162
I am proud of the way the boys competed today !! Game results are posted.
Coach Joe
September 23, 2012
9:27:31 PM

Entry ID: 1991462
Game Results are posted for both of this weekend's games. Good stuff boys !!
Coach Joe
September 15, 2012
11:35:00 PM

Entry ID: 1990293
Game results are posted for both games

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Total Entries: 140