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GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 5

Posted By Comments
knicks fan
March 25, 2010
9:23:25 PM

Entry ID: 1773241
lets go chandler 4 points
Uncle "B"
Jamaica, NY
January 2, 2008
11:29:31 AM

Entry ID: 1297344
Congratulations to all of the players and coaches for a job well done. It is always wonderful to see the village (parents & coaches) participating in the development of a child! To the organization and the volunteers, my hat tips to all of you. Keep up the good work! Thank you all.
December 21, 2007
11:15:41 AM

Entry ID: 1291173
I agree that the league is doing great things this year. I like the new website, it is very resourceful. Also, I especially like the idea of pursuing our own facility. Is it possible to have the Edreco Newsletter integrated into this website? I look forward to more new and exctiting opportunities for Edreco. Let's Go Edreco!!
Mike May
December 10, 2007
2:51:07 PM

Entry ID: 1281503
I think that EDRECO Youth Basketbal League is doing great things this year with the web site and pushing to have their own Recreation facility. Keep up the great work. Coach Mike -Asst. Coach, Wizards (9/10)
September 3, 2007
2:12:05 AM

Entry ID: 1198658
Use this page to post your comments, thoughts, and reactions about the league, teams, players, etc. (keep it clean and respectful, though).

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 5