Sign Our Guestbook

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 17

Posted By Comments
October 22, 2007
3:56:58 PM

Entry ID: 1237393
Ive never seen our site before and to tell ya the truth i didn't even know we had one!! Oppsies anyway...
October 14, 2007
6:18:21 PM

Entry ID: 1230776
TTTTTTIIIIIIIMMMMMM! please add all of the photos from the last games!! hoot hoot!
October 8, 2007
12:00:49 PM

Entry ID: 1225917
Hey TIM-BA-LAND!!!! Are you happy now?! I have signed the guestbook for the THIRD TIME!!! Whew, what an accomplishment! Tim... you have to get those pictures you took at the tournament up ASAP!!! You only have three albums!!! And there's only... lemme think... 7/8 months left!!! We should have like TEN albums by now!!! Anywhoo.... GIRLS SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! Hoot hoot.
meow it's asher
February 8, 2007
5:48:58 PM

Entry ID: 1047515
omg nice kristy! BEAT THIS! la la la la LOOOOOOOOOOOO o burn lol
February 8, 2007
5:26:17 PM

Entry ID: 1047489
dum de dum de dum... la la laaaa... do do do do do dooooooooo
January 4, 2007
6:16:41 PM

Entry ID: 1026259
lol YAY !!! that's funny courtney!
November 7, 2006
12:29:39 PM

Entry ID: 985603
four times around the field? ya get right jeez..... do you know what I think the parents should run around the field we we lose and win because we always run and that means you too Al!
November 5, 2006
8:10:29 AM

Entry ID: 983159
More pictures? You want more pictures? Actually there is a discussion in the "Forum" section regarding site improvement. Maybe we can move this discussion over there? I really want to hear your ideas, you do have them....I know you do! What I would like to see is more people signing the guestbook. Yes that means you parents. It only takes a minute....and it's fun, gaurenteed you will love it. Don't be shy! And while you are at it, you might want to try the discussions in the "Forum" section. You can post a topic....for discussion....something like "I think the girls should be running 4 times around the field every day", or you can respond to 1 of the many....okay okay...1 of the 2 topics already posted there. See you on the field.
Ashley Pants
November 4, 2006
10:32:10 PM

Entry ID: 983047
omg yes i totally agree WE NEED MORE PIC *lol* *cough cough*
October 2, 2006
1:14:16 PM

Entry ID: 947594
lets make it look lik wer popular
October 2, 2006
1:11:53 PM

Entry ID: 947591
lol im havin fun ya it does need more pictures *cough cough* tim!!!
Ashley Pants
September 25, 2006
6:04:08 PM

Entry ID: 942265
this is cool lol but we need more pics i think!!! and people need to actually use the chat thingy!!! lol anywayz..............
numbero 2
September 10, 2006
11:44:58 AM

Entry ID: 930034
What an awesome site Al! It looks great!!! :D
September 4, 2006
11:41:32 AM

Entry ID: 925663
hayyy this is cool :) HAWHAW why havent any other players signed the guestbook??
Barbara E. Groff
August 30, 2006
3:11:00 PM

Entry ID: 922179
Looking good!!!
Tim Franklin
August 29, 2006
10:27:41 PM

Entry ID: 921628
What a great's coming together quite nicely. And what a great photo album. :)
August 27, 2006
7:50:55 AM

Entry ID: 919224
Welcome to the site for our team communications.

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 17