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GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 9

Posted By Comments
May 16, 2024
8:08:59 AM

Entry ID: 2367057
Hi. Looking for a semi-competitive co-ed team to play on. I used to play on a Tualatin City league (co-ed A/Team Extreme Puzza) before Covid and moving to Wilsonville. 50 yo, but have all my gear and will show up, play and always with a good attitude. Thanks, Alan
September 20, 2023
8:35:59 PM

Entry ID: 2365948
Hi, My name is Eddie. I’ve played slow pitch softball for over 4 years, including one year (2022) playing competitively and traveling to Seattle every other week for tournaments. I played baseball my whole life including a couple years in college. I play outfield primarily. I’m interested in joining a CoEd team.
July 25, 2023
12:43:05 AM

Entry ID: 2365353
Hello, My name is Yoseline and both me and my boyfriend Jaime are looking for a team to join. I played softball for 3 years and I’m experienced. My boyfriend isn’t experienced but he’s excited to learn and play. I’m 26 and he is 23. Thank you!
April 15, 2023
5:44:04 PM

Entry ID: 2364083
New to the area. I play outfield or can play infield if needed. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me Brendon (503) 698-0035
April 5, 2023
8:50:15 AM

Entry ID: 2363995
I would like to play on a softball team. I have played before! I will be 39 tomorrow. Thanks so much, Jeremy
March 13, 2023
11:04:19 PM

Entry ID: 2363851
Looking for softball team that I can be a part of can play any position and can hit the ball would like to have fun and get to know my community and get settled in. Email me,
March 13, 2023
11:00:24 PM

Entry ID: 2363850
I'm a man middle-aged in my early forties looking for a softball team in which I can be a part of I can play any position you put me in and can hit the ball. I'M NEW TO THIS AREA and looking to get involved in my community please respond for this 2023 season I am available I work but my evenings are free for practicing and games thank you for your consideration
November 21, 2022
3:59:22 PM

Entry ID: 2336036
Looking for a fun team. Can play any position.
July 26, 2019
5:56:00 PM

Entry ID: 2094012
I am. Looking for a fall coed team. I have played for over 25 yrs. I play 1st, 2nd or outfield.

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 9