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  Sign Our Guestbook

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Total Entries: 48

Posted By Comments
July 1, 2006
8:18:34 PM

Entry ID: 877004
miss everyone! =( i was watching the show 'made' on mtv, and she wanted to be on the varsity squad. she then said something about all the memories she made and all that good stuff..and i actually starting crying. haha im such a queer. but neway, i cant wait to come back next yr to a football game and see how awesome u's r!!! love u girls, and good luck!!! .... miss u jessy, ashton and ashley =(
June 26, 2006
7:11:57 PM

Entry ID: 872578
I miss you's soo much:( can't wait to come see you's next year i am sure you's will be amazing...DSon't ever give up on anything, you can only get better! Get to Nationals this year girls
Coach Heidi
May 26, 2006
10:37:26 AM

Entry ID: 850812
Girls... I just want to say that all of you are doing an excellent job at tryouts so far! You are picking up the material very well and we look forward to what you will be able to do on Tuesday at TRYOUTS! Remember... Tryouts start promptly at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 30th. Please wear what we suggested on the informational paper you received: white shirt, black shorts, socks, sneakers, and hair in a clean ponytail. We are impressed that some girls are really stepping up their game and we are very anxious to see how awesome the teams are going to be this year. If we work hard, I have no doubt that this year is going to be our best ever! Good luck girls and we will see you all Tuesday!!!!
Shannon Marquis
Fredericktown, Mo
May 2, 2006
1:18:09 PM

Entry ID: 831429
you asked for feedback on your site i think it is awesome. i am a cheerleader at fredericktown high school and i think that you girls have some awesome libs etc. Best of Luck1 Shannon
May 2, 2006
11:06:48 AM

Entry ID: 831349
May 1, 2006
9:49:33 AM

Entry ID: 830457
Believing That You Can Do It! As the day of our competition nears, Remember the smiles, forget the tears. Remember the times we've spent together, Cherish them now, cherish them forever. Next year it will not be the same, Some girls lost, some girls gained. Doing the routine one more time, To fix that motion and straighten that line. We've had many falls and lots of tough breaks, We took our chances but knew what was at stake. We are all exhausted and ready to rest, But first we must show the world who is best. Regardless of what the judges criticize, Remember they weren't there to realize, We sweated, we ached, and we worked all the while, And we hide all the pain with a convincing smile. So show them now what we have worked for, Give a little extra where there needs to be more. Smile and know that we have finished the race, Regardless of what we win or place. Good Luck Next year 06-07!!!!
Coach Heidi
April 28, 2006
11:40:39 AM

Entry ID: 828599
Hey girls! I just wanted to let you know that I submitted Michelle's Bow and Arrow picture to and it is the FEATURED STUNT this week! Check it out! Also... tryouts are just around the corner! I hope you all are practicing! Stay tuned to the website for important summer dates and mark your calendars!!!!!!!
April 19, 2006
10:59:57 AM

Entry ID: 821627
I miss cheerleading sooo much already. I don't know what i am going to do all next year, maybe find an all-star squad. haha. Anyway i will try to be at every competition and every game i can get to! I know you girls are going to be amazing next year and i can't wait to see you's. Maybe you's will get to nationals or even states!! I will miss all you girls and the crazy times we had. My stunt group i am going to miss you's sooo much we had a great season and got some new stunts.(ground-up everything) haha shelly and sarah i hope you girls do great next year even though i know you's will..and michelle stay out of trouble!!
April 10, 2006
6:45:57 PM

Entry ID: 815244
your website is sooooo Cool
Deb - Premier Allstars
April 2, 2006
1:25:16 PM

Entry ID: 808311
Hi awesome website good luck for you upcoming season and any future comps d England
Coach Bunny
Columbus Ohio
April 2, 2006
10:26:08 AM

Entry ID: 808201
Wonderful Site!! Keep up the good work and good luck on your 2006-2007 season.

*Coach Bunny*
Coach Bunny
Columbus Ohio
April 2, 2006
10:18:15 AM

Entry ID: 808192
Wonderful Site!! Keep up the good work and good luck on your 2006-2007 season. html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns="">

*Coach Bunny*
Lansford, PA
March 31, 2006
11:14:49 AM

Entry ID: 806845
hey girls * i miss everyone so much already & im not even off to school yet! and can't beleive it is over! to the young girls, make the best of what you have now cuz once it's gone, u can't go back..and trust me, u will miss it! to the juniors becoming big, bad SENIORS, make the best of ur last is your last year as a panther valley varsity cheerleader & u can not go back. so no fighting over stupid stuff, getting mad at each other, competing to be better than the other stunt TOGETHER & everything will pay off in the end! esp. when u win that 1st place trophy at every competition u go to! hallie & heidi * these past 4 years of my high school cheerleading were the best ever. i could not have wanted it any other way! thank you so much for everything you have done for not only me, but the whole squad! i am going to miss everyone so much next year and cheerleading itself. hopefully i will be at every practice i can get to and every game and i will DEF be at every competition!! i love all you girls & i'm proud of all of us! ..we're back in black, yeah, number one is here!.. <3
Deb - Premier Allstars
March 24, 2006
4:00:20 PM

Entry ID: 801243
Hey, Cool website Good luck for future comps D
March 15, 2006
4:32:58 AM

Entry ID: 793707
hey girls congrats! you guys look amazing! im just stopping by sending my best wishes for you all, im currently overseas so you guys take care of yourselfes!
March 9, 2006
11:01:10 AM

Entry ID: 789099
PLUS... we were the highest scoring team in the entire Schuylkill League in the competition so we are LEAGUE CHAMPIONS!<- Did anyone else read that on the competitions and results page?? We are truely amazing girls :) My stunt group+Cassie- 5th place for stunt group that day...:) We did great that day considering we went against really good stunt groups some with guys. I am so proud of us!! p.s- Shelly's a goober..haha gonna miss it
March 8, 2006
4:10:33 PM

Entry ID: 788557
Hello Panther Cheerleaders! I am the HEAD CHEER COACH AT DELAWARE VALLEY COLLEGE, located about an hour and a half north of you. Please visit us at We have a successful and fun cheer program here and our school is great! I would love for you to come to visit our school. WE ARE HAVING A JUNIOR SENIOR OPEN HOUSE ON SATURDAY, MAY 6TH. This information is also on our website. SENIORS IT IS NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU TO APPLY FOR FALL/06!!! You can apply online for FREE! We have many great majors to offer and we have a beautiful campus. We have been rated in the Top 10 Colleges in US NEWS and World Report. Best of luck with the rest of your season and I look forward to hearing back from you all! Thank you! Coach Maureen Doyle Delaware Valley College
Liberty pride cheerleaders
southampton uk
February 25, 2006
8:54:06 AM

Entry ID: 779426
wow what a site love your pics keep on cheering (be proud cheer loud) from all at l.p.c
February 16, 2006
9:15:58 PM

Entry ID: 773449
February 15, 2006
11:13:59 AM

Entry ID: 772281
Well girls our last game was last week and i am already missing everything terribly :( I am soo glad that my senior was one of the best years ever on cheerleading and it's all thanks to you girls and Hallie and Heidi! We have possibly 2 competitions left and i am excited to show them how good we are. I love you girls soo much and i will be back next year to see yous so keep up the good work. Shelly.Sarah.Trotta- You girls are amazing no matter what anyone says or anything. We came from the bottom to the top and some! I would never trade anyone for any of you girls. You girls are the reason why i brag about cheerleading and my stunt group and what we do! Shelly and Sarah keep going stong next year i am sure you's will pull through i am going to miss you's soo much. Hallie and Heidi-Thank you for teaching me everything i know. I would definitly not be as good as i am today with out you's! thank you for making me work my hardest and try my best! BLACK GOLD AND WHITE
February 3, 2006
1:43:31 PM

Entry ID: 764825
Girls..we need to do good at this competition more then anything. We are against half decent squads, so we need to be almost flawless tomorrow. I hope you girls realize how bad it sucks to do a horrible routine. And hopefully it will motivate you to do better tomorrow! It is only 2 minutes and 30 seconds out of our whole day that we put so much time into. Go out there, suck it up, and perfect this routine! We all know that everything in our routine is stuff we can do, cuz we've been doing it for how long now. So, don't give up out EXCITED! That is what a cheerleader is...excitement! Love you girls, and we can do this!!! We're back in black, yeah number ONE is here! ..let's do this girls!..
Coach Hallie
February 2, 2006
2:48:21 PM

Entry ID: 764220
I really hope you girls stay focused and work hard for Saturday. You need to show every athlete and fan there what you can do. We need 100%--no giving up, no going half-way, no mental mistakes. "You gotta hate losing to love winning." It's not about what place we get; it's about hitting a clean, exciting, and entertaining routine for your fans, your coaches, and yourselves. I know you can do it. Good luck. WORK HARD.
January 7, 2006
9:15:57 PM

Entry ID: 744936
Your squad has awsome spirit! Come visit us at and tell us what you think!

GuestBook Pages: 1  2 

Total Entries: 48