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Total Entries: 9

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Joanne Rondone Rizzo
Staten Island, N.Y.
November 19, 2006
10:38:56 AM

Entry ID: 997227
To my Circle of Friends, I just want to Thank you all for your thoughts and to let you know it was a dream come true for me. To be able to go back to our childhood and relive a time that was so special, and it was obvious that it was to all of you as well. I found it so amazing that even though we may not all had known eack other, except for our close friends at the time, we were all so glad to see each other, as though we were. I am grateful to God, for giving me the energy and the drive, to be able to locate most of you, and to make my dream a reality. It was a wonderful experience that I had never encountered before. It definitely got me over my shyness!! And I am so glad that you have experience the same enjoyment. As Connie had said; "It brought all of us kids back home". To be able to grow up in a community ( Holy Family and Canarsie )that was so full of love, our parents gave us an opportunity to have a good education,and for most of us we suceeded. But little did we know that we would be bonded for life. So if you want to continue this aura of happiness,(I just think about it and I'm smiling :),then feel free to help make it a reality again. Marie and Pat have offered to start the ball rolling, but they will need help. Continue to keep in touch thru email or join us here on S.I., from time - time, with Coffee Nite once a month. I usually send out a general email. Just let me know your joining, so I can hold a table. Enjoy the memories, Luv,Joanne
Connie Abiuso Compito
Skillman, NJ
November 15, 2006
10:17:10 PM

Entry ID: 994610
Hi Everyone! I'm sorry I couldn't attend this last reunion. The first one was so much fun I was really looking forward to attending this one as well. Unfortunately, my plans were unavoidably derailed. I would’ve loved the opportunity to reconnect with the new people who were not at the previous reunion: Carmela Amuso, Marie Simon, Tori D'Apice, Desiree Haslip, Marie Panicola, Donna LaProvidenza, Rocco Rinaldi, Lawrence Corso, William Aquavella, just to name a few. All of you haven't changed except to get better! Everyone looks great! And it’s clear from the photos that everyone had a terrific time. I would love hearing from any/all of you. Feel free to drop me a line. All my best to everyone, and I hope to see you at the next reunion. Joanne, great job!! Once again you made it possible for all the kids to come back home! Connie
Linda Silano Mantello
Tottenville, Staten Island
November 15, 2006
6:12:38 PM

Entry ID: 994351
Thanks again Joann for putting together our 2nd reunion. I had a great time. So many times I have often wondered about our HF classmates. I thought everyone looked great. It was like being in a time warp. I loved growing up in Canarsie and it will always be a part of me. I felt a sense of family when I was at the reunion. We all belong to each other. Please keep in touch.
Toni (Antonette Gandolfo)
PA now
November 14, 2006
8:13:41 AM

Entry ID: 992569
the pictures from the September 06 reunion came out great!!! thanks so much for all your hard work Joanne & Ron!
John Nicholson
November 12, 2006
11:44:49 PM

Entry ID: 990768
So sorry I wasn't able to get to the reunion this time, and wish I had known about the first one. My wife Linda and I are in the process of relocating down to Jacksonville FL and I had some business down there during that week, which wasn't final until a few weeks before the party. I was looking foward to seeing Rocco R and the rest of the guys. I also wanted to thank Lucille L. for the train ride home from the worlds fair. Remember you left your jacket and you didn't hold the bus....thanks!!lol. I guess the next reunion we will travel from FL with Frank Maninacci...see you soon Frank. Best wishes to all.
Tori D'Apice - Ruggiero
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
October 4, 2006
12:47:00 PM

Entry ID: 949314
I'm still smiling........Joanne, this was the best, Thank you for all that you did to pull this off..GREAT JOB....It was so wonderful to see how beautiful everyone looked...inside and out.....I was in awe all night long....still am.................................
Patricia Sullivan
Springfield, New Jersey
October 1, 2006
5:53:06 PM

Entry ID: 946659
Dear Friends, What a fanastic party! Thanks Joanne for all the hard work! People I know just don't understand when I tell them that I attend my elementary school reunions. We certainly had an amazing experience growing up together. And, even if we don't cherish all the memories of grades K thru 8, we are who we are today because of them. I think that says alot. I was particularly happy to see those who couldn't be with us last year, Fred Gandarillas, Tom Calderaro, Mark Stankus, Louis (the red) Viscomi, Frank Mazzella and, of course, Marie Simon. As I have grown older, I have realized the value of lifelong friendships. You guys are the best! Marie has voluntered she and I to help with our next reunion in 2007. Hope to see everyone there! Love, Pat
Frank Mazzella
Orange County, CA
May 6, 2006
3:33:44 PM

Entry ID: 834697
Joanne and Ronnie, thanks for doing all this! I'm still trying to get the smile off my face after going through the pictures from the last reunion. Great to see all those faces and tie them back to the memories. Looking forward to the next.
Joanne Rondone Rizzo
Staten island
February 12, 2006
4:11:01 PM

Entry ID: 770427
I just want to say, how great it has been to be able to go back to our time at H.F. and relive all the memories, each time I see or speak to someone. Whether it was the parties at Tori D'Apice home, or the Girls Retreat at Ringwood. Or Wednesday's was a 1/2 day of school. And who can remember the Carnivals at Ringwood, every year. *Ron has created an opportunity to enjoy those memories with this webpage, lets use it to our advantage. Share your memories,(in a respectful way), and enjoy remembering the good times !! And remember: "SEE YOU, 'IN SEP-TEM-BER" Love, Joanne

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Total Entries: 9