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General Information: Each player must pay the $25 fee and sign (2) waiver forms before they can play their first game. NO EXCEPTIONS! One is for the league and the other one is for the 3rd & Spruce Recreation Center who rents the rink to the Reading Hockey League. Players under the age of 18 must have a parent present to sign paper. No person under the age of 16 can participate in the Adult League. Each player pays $2 to the score keeper for refs before the game and give their name and number to the score keeper. After an 8 goal lead the game clock is running time. After a ten goal lead the game will be called, unless the other team wants to keep playing. No scoring or points will be added to clock, or records after 10 goal lead. If game gets chippy, game will be called.


Equipment: Gloves and Shin Pads are mandatory! Shin Pads must cover knee, shin, and ankle! Players under 18 years of age MUST wear a helmet with face shield.  Elbow pads are optional. All players on the same team must wear the same color jersey, with a number on the back. If 2 teams have the same color jerseys the visiting team will wear a different color. We will provide mylec or g-force game balls for all games pending weather conditions.

Roster: Rosters must be finalized and no changes made after the 3rd game. Teams can sub other goalies during the regular season, but must have player from the roster as goalie for the play-offs. Players must play in at least 4 regular season games to be able to play in the play-offs. Only players and coaches are allowed on the bench during the game. Suspended players CAN NOT be on the bench during a game while suspended or at the rink. Suspension means you need a break from hockey and that includes the rink you were suspended from. League committee has (3) days to decide length of suspension or any other further actions that would be needed in order to maintain a safe league.

Off-sides: The white line is off sides.

Iceing: is called when a defensive player shoots the ball from his defensive side of the "clearing" line over the opposing team's goal line without any other player touching it. Clearing is called immediately when the ball crosses the goal line and is brought back to the defensive zone of the team committing the infraction and a face-off is held in the circle on either side of the goal.


Clearing is "washed out" by either referee if, in their opinion, any of the following occurred:

a. if the ball crosses any part of the goal crease.

b. If the goalie touches the ball before it crosses the goal line.

c. If, in the opinion of the officials, the defensive player could have played the ball before it crossed the goal line.

d. If, due to penalties assessed, (except for misconducts) the team is playing short-handed against their opponents. (if both teams are equally short-handed, clearing is not allowed.)



Penalties: Players are advised to not argue any calls with referees. This includes both non-penalty and penalty calls. ONLY TEAM CAPTAINS ARE ALLOWED TO DISCUSS CALLS WITH REFEREES. Any abuse of the referees can or will result in a penalty or ejection depending on the degree of abuse the player gives the referees.



High Sticking: Carrying a stick above the normal height of the shoulder is prohibited and a minor penalty will be imposed on a player violating this rule. A goal scored off a high stick shall not be allowed except if off of a defending player. The goal wipes off the penalty. A major, or minor penalty shall be assessed (referees discretion) if a player strikes another player in the head or face that results in injury. Players are fully responsible for the actions of their sticks except in the act of shooting. (Please let your teammates who never played dek with this rule)

Using Hand on Ball: Players can not grab the ball with their hand. They can knock the ball down with their hand with out grabbing it. A player who touch's or knocks down the ball with there hand to another team mate is a hand pass and will force a stoppage of play with a face off. A player grabbing the ball will be assessed a 1 minute delay of game penalty. (Please let your teammates who never played dek with this rule)

Abuse of Officials: Arguing with, insulting, using obscene gestures or language directed at or in reference to, or deliberately making contact with any on or off rink official during or after the game.

Butt Ending: Accidentally, or intentionally jabbing another player with the end of the shaft of the stick.

Cross Checking: Hitting an opponent with the stick when it is held with two hands and no part of the stick is on the surface.

Elbowing: Hitting a player with the elbow either accidentally or intentionally. Intentional elbows may be escalated to more severe penalties at the referees’ discretion.

Goaltender Interference: Physically impeding or checking the goalie. Visually impeding the goalie's view of play with your body, called "screening", is legal.

Holding: Grabbing a player’s body, equipment or clothing with the hands or stick.

Hooking: Using a stick as a hook to slow an opponent or impeded their progress. If stick to stick contact is made, no penalty shall be assessed.

Illegal Equipment: Using equipment that does not follow above equipment policy. Once a player breaks their stick, they must drop stick right away.



Playing with too many sticks: When a player plays with more than one stick and attempts to make a play. Example: if a goalie were to lose his stick and a player from his team runs over to pick up the goalie stick and then, while going back to give the goalie his stick, attempts to touch the live ball with either stick, that player will be called for a penalty.

Pushing: Pushing a player with sufficient force to dislodge them from their general postured position.

Roughing: Pushing and shoving after the whistle has been blown or checking a player with the hands in the face. Also when an illegal body check is made. A roughing penalty will also be assessed to any player that uses force which in the referee's opinion is unnecessary or dangerous to other players.

Slashing: Swinging a stick at an opponent when not attempting to play the ball.

Tripping: Tripping another player by any means, weather incidental or accidental, or causing another player to fall by any means.

Too Many Men: having more then 6 players on the surface involved in the play at any given time.

Unsportsmanlike conduct: Arguing with a referee. Using slurs against an opponent. Playing with illegal equipment. Making obscene gestures or abusing an official.

Delay of game: Any player or goaltender who displaces the goal post from its normal position on purpose. If the displacing occurs during a break away a penalty shot will be awarded to the other team player who had possession of the ball.



Boarding: Inadvertently or intentionally pushing a player violently into the boards while the player is facing the boards. If deliberate, penalty may be escalated to attempt to injure.

Instigator penalty: Being the obvious instigator in a fight.

Joining a fight: Also called 3rd man in rule. The first person who was not part of a fight when it broke out, but participates in said fight once it has started for any reason, even to pull the players apart. (Immediate ejection)

Kicking: Kicking a player with intent to injure.

Spearing: Stabbing a player or thrusting at a player with the stick blade with intent to injure.

Attempt to injure: Deliberately trying to harm an opponent, weather successful or not. Intent to injure penalties or major penalties will be up to the referees’ discretion, and can be suspensions!


Fighting: Engaging in a physical altercation with an opposing player, usually involving the throwing of punches. Fighting will not be tolerated! First time is a 3 game suspension. Second time the player is done for the season. (Referees decision) League committee will review player history in league and decide by (5) person vote if the player is subjected to a permanent suspension from the league.


1.)    Bench minors may be assessed to teams that cannot control their fans behavior.

2.)    Any player that goes onto the surface from the players’ box during a fight will be given a penalty. If said player gets involved in the fight they can be ejected from game pending official decision or given a penalty.

3.)    Any player being assessed three minor penalties in a given game will be ejected from that game. Another member of the players’ team will be required to serve the 3rd minor penalty.