2019 Spring clean up at range

May 26, 2019 – 02:00 PM

The annual spring clean up at the St Martins Gun Club range is scheduled for Sunday May 26 at 2:00 pm. Please plan on attending as a short meeting will be held after the clean up to admit a couple of new members. 

The 2018 meeting was held on December 16th at the St Martins community center with 45 members present (including 16 new members). This was an election of officers year and the only change was James Brown was elected to the position of vice president replacing Henry Schubert. There are currently still 80 members owing their 2019 dues of $40.00. Please make every effort to pay these asap (deadline for payment is January 15th) as we need to get the member lists updated and sent in to the appropriate authorities. Thanking you in advance. The club range 5 year operating permit was approved on November 30th, 2018. One major change was included in the permit to operate and that being : if the adjacent gravel pit is in use the range is to be closed while the pit is being used. Each and every member must check to see if the pit is being used before using the range. The pit operator will have a sign to post at the range gate stating that the pit is in use and the range is temporarily CLOSED. The pit operator will also be required to lock the gate with his personal lock so that no one can enter the range while the pit is being used and remove the lock when activities at the pit are done for the day. It is imperative no one uses the range while the pit is in use. The pit operator is also to inform the club president when the pit is in use so that members can contact him (the president) to see if the range is closed on any given day before going to the range. The club will continue to work with the pit operator to minimize closures to the range.