Rules of the Game

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  • Rules of the Game - Please click here
    We follow the FIVB rules in addition to the rules below

    Rules & Regulations

    No glass bottles

    No alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs

    No littering

    Leave the court in better shape than you found it

    No foul or abusive language

    No pets within 20 feet of the court

    Children under 16 years of age must be supervised

    Do not hang from the net

    Do not climb the poles

    Outdoor Sports Regulations

    Outdoor Sports specific rules include:

    Each match will consist of 3 sets 21/21/15 using rally scoring

    Teams must have a 2-point advantage to win a set

    There are 2 timeouts per set with duration of 30 seconds each

    Only 1 injury timeout per player per match is allowed

    A side change will occur after every set.

    A let serve is considered in play. This means that if a server's ball hits the net and falls into the receiving team's space, then the ball is in play.

    Serves will alternate after each set.

    For 4's....Teams will consist of a max of an 8 player roster, 4 play at time. 2 guys and 2 girls or 3 guys and 1 girl but one girl must be on the court at all times.

    For doubles... Teams will consist of a max of a 4 player roster. Coed must have a minimum of 1 girl.


    Players need to have played a minimum of 3 sets to be eligible to play in the playoffs and must not be on another teams roster within the division.

    Best 2 out of 3 Sets. First 2 sets go up to 21. Last set goes up to 15. Must win by 2.

  • Case Rules 2017