Baseball Committees

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Now, we can not run our Booster Club effectively if we only have a few people running it.  This is where we need you….each and every one of you.  Here is a link to see all the volunteer opportunities we have available throughout the season.  We are asking that everyone volunteer for something throughout the year.  We have broken many things down to be small pieces of time and energy to commit to the team. We are also hosting a Volunteer night for everyone to meet with their committee and begin planning their piece of the pie. Please email for your volunteer slot. As you can see on the calendar some of these events are coming up quickly such as the Butterbraids, looking for sponsors and our restaurant nights, please email me about these one as soon as you can!! 

Booster Club President: Amy Richie 303-746-7333: Supports and Coordinates with all baseball committees. Works with head coach on tournaments and travel arrangements. Communicates upcoming intentions and events with the Athletic Director and parents.

Booster Club Vice President (CO-VPs): Tim Collum / Rachel Landess : To help and/or shadow the President with the Club responsibilities and the possibility of stepping into the roll of President.

Treasurer: Marty McGraw: Takes care of all monetary transactions associated with all baseball committees and keeps the books. *King Soopers Cards

Secretary: Kim Jordan: Take minutes at the meetings and aid in maintaining the communication of events

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