2023 Co-Ed RULES

April 26, 2003


Prince William County Co-ed Softball League 2022 Spring/Summer/Fall League Rules



1) PLAYERS a) Players can only appear on one roster. b) Players requesting to play in more than one division must request and receive approval from the League.

i. Division for league play is defined as either Upper Division and Lower



a) A complete roster (i.e. player name, address) must be turned into the League Commissioner prior to your team first game. The League Commissioner/Secretary will also maintain a complete copy of all team rosters. b) Final rosters are due before play of the 5th week. If your roster is not submitted by 5th week, your initial roster will be used and considered as final.

c) Maximum roster size is 15 players. Waivers to the roster limit are by exception and with approval of League Commissioner.

d) To verify roster eligibility, players on the team roster must be able to provide a photo ID if requested by a League Officer if requested. Players

unable to produce an ID when requested may be declared ineligible and can be removed from a game.

e) All roster changes must be in writing and in possession of the League Commissioner 24 hours before game time. No roster changes are allowed after the 5th week played without approval of the Commissioner.

f) The League Commissioner (if required) will maintain a copy of each team's roster. If a coach wishes to protest a roster violation, you must follow the procedures as listed in USA rules and the PWC Coed Softball League modified rules.

g) A copy of each team’s roster (team name & player name only) will be

maintained by the League Coordinator. h) Only team rostered players are allowed to play for that team during all Season/Division play. This is especially mandated during Spring/Summer seasons and will be strictly enforced. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the Commissioner.

i) Players are required to be provide any League Official a photo identification to validate their status on a team's official roster upon request. Players who are not able to produce identification may be asked to leave the softball playing area. Player(s) and coach(s) may face disciplinary action in accordance with USA Rules and these modified League Rules.

j) All players are required to complete COVID 19 protocols and adhere to CDC requirements before participating in league softball activities.


a) All league fees are due before first practice scheduled or game played. If team openings are not available after 12 teams have paid registration or another night the league can be established, team registration fees will be returned to manager/coach.


a) The season(s) will start:

i. Spring/Summer: Usually the 3rd week in April. Usually Tuesday after


ii. Fall: the Tuesday after Labor Day. Extended Fall Season will start 4 Aug.


a) Players uniform shirts must be alike in color and markings by the fifth

(05) week of games played. If a player is not in the proper team jersey, that player may not participate in any games until their uniform is in compliance. After the 5 week of play, it is expected for ALL coaches to manage their players and to ensure they have a uniform jersey of "like" design and name when they take the field of play. The Coach has the responsibility of not putting that player without a uniform in their lineup to play the game.

b) Pants/shorts must be athletic types; no jeans or jean-like material.

c) Caps are optional. However if worn, they must be a ball-cap type with no offensive slogans, sayings or pictures. Player uniforms shirts must conform to this requirement no offensive slogans, etc as well. (Final determination is up to the League Commissioner and Coordinator.) Once the game has started, THE BILL OF THE CAP MUST FACE FORWARD AT ALL TIMES WHEN A PLAYER IS AT BAT!

d) Pitchers can wear a glove on their pitching hand. (Reduce transmission)


a) No profanity is allowed.

b) The umpire can eject any player using profanity without giving the player or coach a warning.


a) Includes any verbal outbursts, throwing the bat, kicking dirt, threats, any harmful or physical contact towards players, umpires or league officers.

b) Any unauthorized substance(alcohol or drugs.)

c) Cheating (i.e. illegal use of players, violating rules deliberately, altered bats or balls, etc).

d) Unsportsmanlike conduct is detrimental to the league and its goal to provide a fun environment for our players and families and will not be


e) Unsportsmanlike conduct can result in an automatic ejection, plus a minimum suspension of 2 games, or the entire season, to be at the discretion of the League Commissioner and Review Board. The Review Board will consist of the League Commissioner, and 3 randomly selected coaches from the league who will review the facts and merits of the case brought before them. The decision of the Review Board will be final and documented. The League Commissioner exercises discretion to use different coaches as needed for review boards.


a) No alcohol beverages are permitted at all! (This includes family/friends

in a team’s dugout or in bleachers)

b) If a player is found or perceived to be drinking or intoxicated, the umpire will eject that player from the game and their decision is final.

c) If a player is suspected of drinking or intoxicated, ANY league officer can ask the coach to remove that player from the game and their decision is final.


a) Each team must agree and abide by USA/PWC Coed Softball League modified rules.


a) League Commissioner

i) The Commissioner is the head of the Coed League.

ii) The Commissioner is accountable to the PWCPA Softball Council and his/her primary purpose is to serve the League.

iii) The Commissioner conducts all League meetings.

iv) The Commissioner randomly selects all Board Members.

v) The Commissioner (as necessary) creates committees and appoints members accordingly.

vi) The Commissioner is responsible for all official correspondence and

judgments that are sent in behalf of the PWC Coed League.

vii) The Commissioner will appoint League Officers as needed to assist with the effective management of the league.

viii) The Commissioner takes appropriate action on all issues and recommendations that affect the league.

b) League Coordinator

i) The League Coordinator will report directly to the Commissioner.

ii) The primary responsibility of the League Coordinator is to assist the League Commissioner in managing the Coed softball league on the playing field.

iii) The coordinator is the liaison between the league and the umpire association during season play.

c) Player Representatives

i) The Player Representatives will report directly to the Commissioner.

ii) The primary responsibility of the League Representative is to act as liaison between players, teams and League Officers of the PWC Co-Ed League. Player Reps will also be members or chair various committees and boards as assigned by the League Commissioner.

d) League Secretary

i) The League Secretary will report directly to the Commissioner.

ii) The primary responsibility of the League Secretary is the accurate recording of all League meetings, committee and board results while assisting in the development of correspondence as a result of those activities.

e) League Treasurer:

i) The League Treasurer will report directly to the Commissioner.

ii) The primary responsibility of the League Treasurer is the accurate recording of all League expenditures, collection of all league fees (including forfeit and protest fees) and submission of budget for the league to the Commissioner for approval.

f) It is the team/player responsibility to not show derogatory or detrimental actions toward PWC Coed League Officials. They are volunteers and their sole purpose is to ensure your softball participation

is enjoyable.

i) After review by the League Commissioner, if a player or team is found guilty of derogatory actions toward any PWC Coed League Official, they will be suspended and the Park Authority notified of the action. A player/team can be suspended for up to 5 years, depending upon the situation. Further, this decision will be forwarded to the PWC Softball Council for notification as well.

g) The actions of appointed League Officers should always reflect positively on their position and their commitment to PWC Coed Softball League.

11) PLAYING RULES The PWC Coed League will be sanctioned USA/USSSA. However, league play will be governed by USA Rules and PWC Co-Ed Local Modified Rules.

a) Required Players: As per USA rules, an official Co-Ed lineup will consist of 5 male players and 5 female players. PWC Co-Ed League also recognizes the USA Co-Ed Extra Player lineup. This lineup will consist of 6 male players and 6 female players. These lineups will be the standard. The following alternate lineups are authorized:

b) Short-Handed Rule - to keep teams from forfeiting, you may start a game with 8 players (4 must be male, and 4 must be female). NO OTHER combination is authorized. A 9th and 10th player may be added to the bottom of the line-up as the game progresses and the players must bat alternately. No automatic out is recorded if 8 players are utilized. An automatic out in the unoccupied 10th lineup position will be recorded if 9 players are utilized. The 9th player can be either male or female. c) Once a game starts with the official Co-Ed lineup no DH’s are allowed to be added to lineup.

d) Violations of the Short-Handed Rule will result in the game being forfeited and a two (02) game suspension of the violating coach. All coaches and UIC will be informed of these suspensions.

12) Players Batting: You may bat up to 12 players (i.e. Co-Ed extra player lineup) as long as the alternate male/female or female/male rotation is

used. This rule aligns to the USA rules and preparation for County Championships for a CoEd lineup. The usage of 14 players in the lineup is ONLY authorized during the Fall Season. Also it must be equal numbers per gender when exceeding 10 batters. In playing with 9 or 10 players, it should always be 5M/5F for 10 players or 5M/4F or 5F/4M players when using 9 players. It is not authorized to use 6F/4M or 6F/3M or any like combo in attempting to establish a legal lineup. The alternate male/female or female/male rotation should be used to the full extent possible. Removal of player due to injury, if a legal substitution is not available, play is allowed to continue with an 'out' being recorded in the injured players position. IAW Removal of player due to ejection, if a legal substitution is not available thereby not allowing the game to continue as the game started, the offending team forfeits the game.

12a) Double Home Plate – All plays at home will be a force play. The use of double home plate will be utilized. Baserunners must abide by the ‘commit’ line. One a runner pasts the ‘commit’ line they no longer have the right to return to 3rd base. The runner must commit to going to the second home plate. The catcher will make force play on main home plate. The baserunner will score at the alternate home plate. A baserunner who touches the main home plate trying to score will be called ‘OUT’’ by the umpire. This will NOT be an appeal play.

13) Defensive Alignment: Up to 10 players can play ANY position and assume a position anywhere on the field, provided there is the correct amount of male/female players (5 each).

13A) Catchers will assume position six (06) feet behind home plate. This will reduce player contact.

14) Score Reporting: Winning teams must report all scores to the league e-mail account within 24 hours of game completion. Team record will not be updated without this information. Alternate reporting methods are by phone and/or by e-mail only when website is not functional.

15) Courtesy Runner: Two courtesy runners per sex per inning may be used.

ANY player on the roster can be used. Male for male; female for female. If the batter who required a courtesy runner bats and achieves a base in the same inning, the same courtesy runner CAN be used again. No more than 2 courtesy runners per gender per ending.

16) Balls: All play will use an USA approved certification balls. USA balls shall be marked for men 12-inch .52 –core 300 compression or women's 11-inch, 52-core, 300 compression balls to bat. In case of limited supply, women are allowed to use USSSA 11” Classic W balls. No other ball substitution is authorized. Balls are the responsibility of the team. Teams will hit their own balls. Optic yellow is the leagues official ball color. During special observations timeframes (Breast Cancer Awareness, etc, PINK softballs are authorized as long as they meet the USA /USSSA certification criteria. All balls must meet stated requirements and be clearly identified with the appropriate sanctioning body (USA or USSSA) and inspected by the umpire PRIOR to being used in game. Any coach caught using a ball that violates USA or USSSA rules may result in one (01) game minimum suspension. It is the Umpire’s discretion to issue/not issue a warning of this infraction. This is the Coach’s responsibility to monitor. Additional violations will result in further disciplinary action.

17) Bats: Only USA/USSSA approved bats are authorized. Umpire has final decision. No triple wall bats. A current list of allowed bats is listed on official USSSA/USA websites. Bats must be approved USSSA or USA for league usage. If a bat is designated illegal on both USSSA and USA website, the bat is illegal for use in all PWC Co-Ed League play. If a player is observed using one of the illegal bats during a game, that player can be ejected from the game. This will include any bats outlawed by USA/USSSA. A player caught using an "altered" bat as determined by USA/USSSA Umpires or League Officials, the bat will be confiscated and the player will suspended for five (05) years. If a player refuses to submit their bat for inspection at the request of an umpire at ANY time, that player will be immediately ejected from the game. Additionally, all ejections follow the stipulations as annotated in 20 (b).

17b All players shall place bats along the exterior dugout fence and the umpire will conduct a visual inspection. Umpires will be instructed to be conscious of bats that do not sound intact and

have broad latitude to err on the side of safety by removing them from play.

18) Starting Count: We will use the 3-2 count, w/courtesy which means each batter will start with a 1-1 count and a courtesy.

18a) Strike Mat – A strike will be called when the pitched ball hits any part of home plate or the strike mat.

18b) No umpire will be behind the plate. The umpire will be at some angle off to the side where full visibility of home plate and strike mat can be observed. This will reduce player contact.

19) Ejections during Game: If a player is ejected and if the team is not able to continue with the number of players they started the game with, and a legal substitution is not available, the offending team will forfeit the game.

20) Protests:

a) Protest: If a team wishes to protest a game, they must do so IMMEDIATELY (while the game is in progress and when you first become aware of a rule that should be protested) to the umpire. There are only a few limited instances where a game can be protested after game completion. Refer to USA rules for those instances. The umpire will notify the League Commissioner of the protest. The coach must submit a check for $75 with a written protest explaining the facts and reasons surrounding the protest. The Commissioner will convene a review board to hear the protest. The review board will consists of the League Commissioner, and 3 randomly selected coaches from the league. The league review board will work to render an opinion within 7 working days.

If the protest is upheld (found in agreement), the check will be returned and the review board will decide on an appropriate action for the player

and or team. If the protest is not upheld, the $75 shall be deposited into the league treasury. The official findings will be documented and correspondence will be sent to the coach or player via email. Please remember that only rule interpretations are grounds for protest. No judgment call (i.e. balls/strikes, outs/safe, fair/foul) will be considered.

b) Player Ejection: If a player is ejected, the ejection is effective in the game that was being played plus the next regularly scheduled game. A player may appeal his/her ejection with a payment of $25 and a written appeal. If the ejection is overturned, the money will be returned. If the ejection is not overturned, the $25 shall be deposited into the league treasury and the ejection must be served.

c) Forfeits: Any team that forfeits a game for any reason not approved of by the league will be assessed an additional fee of $25 per game. The fee(s) must be paid before the next scheduled game or the team will forfeit that game as well. No forfeiting team shall be allowed to play again until all fines are paid. d) Home Run Rule: There is a 3 and 1 up homerun. All other homeruns hit after a team has reached its limit are OUTS. A player hitting a Home Run over the fence just walks off. All base runners will leave their base without advancing and penalty.

21) Run Ahead Rule - Mercy Rule

Twenty (20) after three (3) innings; Fifteen (15) after four (4) innings; Ten (10) run rule will be in effect after five (5) innings.

1. The games will continue with 1hr time limit; no new inning after 55 minutes.

2. If a game is tied after completion of 7 innings or if the 55 minutes time limit has been reached, one additional inning will be played using 1-pitch and international tie-breaker (last recorded out) on second base. This runner cannot be substituted for a courtesy runner; but a substitute player can be used (with re-entry still eligible substitute player will no longer be eligible to play in game). At the conclusion of that inning, the game will end with a winner or tie. No additional innings will be played.

3. If a game hits the 55 minutes time limit; and the game has not reached the 5th inning or the game is in the 5th inning, that inning will be completed and the game will end upon completion of the inning. There will be no 6th inning started. This could also result in the game ending in a tie and that will be the final score.

22) Game Time

a) First Game: At game time, if a team has enough players to start the game (either USA required or League Modified Short-Handed rule), the game must start as scheduled. Delay of game to wait for players is not allowed. A game MUST start if 8 players minimum (4 male and 4 female players are available to play). The game may start with 9 players also (5 male and 4 female or 5 female and 4 male).The umpire will call out the official start time of the game. If a man is walked during game play, the woman batter has the option to walk or bat regardless of outs. No new inning may start at the completion of 55 minutes of play. The umpire will order the playing of one-pitch at the 55-minute mark ONLY if the game is tied. The umpire will use the International Tie-Breaker Rule which places the last recorded out on 2nd base to start the half of each inning - That runner cannot be substituted.

When one-pitch is ordered by the umpire, there will be no more than 1 complete inning of one-pitch. Games can end in a tie.

b) Any time used for the completion of the first game will be deducted from the second game.

c) Second Game: The umpire will call out the official start time of the second game. No new inning may start when there is 10 minutes or less of playing time left from the time limit. If the game is tied, the umpire will order the playing of one-pitch and ALL one pitch rules are applicable. There will be no more than 1 complete inning of one-pitch. The umpire will use the International Tie-Breaker Rule which places the last recorded out on 2nd base to start the half of each inning - That runner cannot be substituted. Game can end in a tie. There is a HARD STOP at the end of the 2nd games (e.g. 8:35p; lights will go off at 10:45p) and the final result of the game is the last completed inning (i.e. Game is reverted back to last completed inning).

d) 10-minute grace period is allowed for the start of first game of a double header only when there are not enough players to start a game, however, this time must be subtracted from the first game to ensure that games end on time.

e) If first game is a forfeit, the second game will start on time. Once enough players show up, the second game can start earlier if agreed upon by both coaches. If not agreeable to both coaches, the second game will start at its originally scheduled time. If there are not enough players to start the second game on time, the second game is a forfeit. No grace period is allowed on the second game.

f) Teams are restricted from using a handshake line at the end of game. This will reduce player contact.

g) Coaches and umpire must exercise social distancing while conducted pregame meeting.

h) Teams are restricted from having team meetings on the playing field at all times. When deemed appropriate outside of playing field, team meetings must exercise social distancing requirements.


a) It is the coach's responsibility to call the number given for the field where their game is to be held. If the message at the number does not say the field is closed, then you must show up for the game. Do not call the League Commissioner or League Coordinator. Rainouts during the summer will be attempted to be re-scheduled as soon as possible or as resources are available...including make-ups being played on different days and locations. Because of the short Fall season and because of weather conditions, Rain-out or snow-out games may not be made up.


a) All coaches are responsible for giving a working e-mail address for their team or representative. Most correspondence will be via e-mail, therefore it is ultimately the coach's responsibility to make sure the address is correct and messages checked on a daily basis. b) All coaches are responsible for the actions of the players on their roster. It is expected that the coach/manager exercise control of their team on the field at all times.

c) There will be a double-elimination tournament at the end of the season for all league teams; during the Spring/Summer season this participation in used to decide representation at the County Championships.

d) All teams should be categorized based on their Coach registration at the beginning of the season as either "Upper" or "Lower". Teams may be moved "higher" or "lower" based on their body of work during the season by their play or determined by the League Commissioner. This decision is binding and enforceable.

e) The Tournament Champions in the Upper Division and Lower Division will represent the league in the County Championships. Upper Division will

play Division one; Lower will play Division Two in the County Championships. ** In some cases a 3rd team will be designated by the League Commissioner to play Division Three at the County Championship.

f) During the Fall season only, the team that has the best win/loss record will be proclaimed Champion of the League. If an uneven amount of games are played, the team with the best winning percentage will be proclaimed Champion.

g) If weather permits in the Fall Season, an End of Season Tournament will be held.

h) Players shall refrain from using chewing tobacco, sunflower seeds or any other activity that will require intentional spitting. This will reduce players transmission.

i) Players are encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer and own water bottles

j) Players are encouraged to use masks at their own discretion

k) Players are encouraged to maximize social distancing while in the dugouts or along the exterior fences at their own discretion

L) Except where amended here, all USA rules will govern this league.

Official League Number: 703-598-2494