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League Constitution

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Date Revised: Sept. 9th, 2009

Revised by: Glenn Ingraham

1.0 Administration
1.The league is governed by CAHA rules unless otherwise stated within these regulations.
2.Team fees will be determined each year based on operating expenses.

2.0 Minor Official Duties
1.Time keep all games.
2.Responsible for Roster confirmation for playoffs.
3.Compile weekly statistics.
4.Forward weekly scores to Media.
5.Develop and maintain league website

3.0 Rosters
1.Players must be 18 years of age by the start of the season, any player under 19 is required to wear a full cage.
2.Only 3 players per team may be age 25 years or younger
3.Once a player has played for one team during a season, they cannot play for another unless they are released and given approval by both the president and the former team captain.
4.Team rosters will be presented on Pre-generated game sheets. These sheets will be created for each game and passed to each team rep prior to game time.
5.League statistics will be strictly monitored to log attendance for all players. It is the responsibility of each team rep to ensure that pre-generated game sheets are properly adjusted prior to the start of the respective game.

4.0 Playing Rules

The league is governed by CAHA rules. The following subsections state rules that are specific to this league and supersede any that are stated within the CAHA document.

4.1 Game Schedule
1.Each game will have a 5 minute warm-up period. At that time, the referees will instruct both teams to line up for the opening face off. If either team does not comply with this instruction immediately, they will be assessed a 2 minute delay of game penalty.
2.Each game will consist of three 15 minute stop time periods. If a game is tied after regulation time a shootout will decide the winner. Each team will select 3 players for the shootout, if still tied after 3 shooters shootout will continue on a 1 for 1 basis until a winner is decided. No player can shoot twice until all players have shot at least once.
The game will change to running time if a 7 goal difference is realized and will continue to run for the remainder of the game. Both teams must be in agreement
NOTE: This does not apply during playoffs.
3.When the time showing on the game clock, equals the time showing on the ice clock, the game clock will be switched to running time. This mode will continue for the remainder of the game.
NOTE: This does not apply during playoffs.
4.When running time has been initiated, no time outs will be permitted.
4.2 Player Participation
1.Teams must dress a minimum of 8 players for each game.
2.This includes a fully dressed goaltender.
3.A team that fails to ice this minimum roster will forfeit the game.
NOTE 1: If a team is in a forfeit situation and have at least 5 skaters plus a goaltender, they are permitted to approach the opposing team and request to have the forfeit waved. The opposing team has the option to oblige this request. If they choose to do so, the game will be played as a regularly scheduled game. This must be noted accordingly on the game sheet. All statistics, including the final score will be considered as official. This includes penalties assessed and any suspensions enforced.

NOTE 2: If both teams are in a forfeit situation and both teams have at least 5 skaters plus a goaltender and both teams wish to play, the game will be played as a regularly scheduled game. This must be noted accordingly on the game sheet. All statistics, including the final score will be considered as official. This includes penalties assessed and any suspensions enforced. If one of the teams does not want to play, that team will forfeit the game. If both teams choose not to play, they will both forfeit the game.
Players must play a total of 8 games during a given regular season, to qualify for that season’s playoffs.
4.3 Forfeited Games
A team that has forfeited a game, loses that game.
The score will be: 0 – 3.
4.4 Slap Shots
Slap shots are permitted.
4.5 Playing Environment
There shall be no center line in play except for icings.
4.6 Player’s Conduct
Any player under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall not be permitted to play. Referee’s decision is final. Any reoccurrence will result in a 5 game suspension.
Players are expected to conduct themselves professionally, with a high level of sportsmanship
4.7 Body Contact
Body contact is not permitted.
Assessment is at the referee’s discretion.
4.8 Penalties
-All penlties will result in a faceoff in the offending teams defensive zone.
-Any player receiving 3 penalties in the same game will be ejected from that game.
-Double minors count as 2 penalties.

-Any player receiving a game misconduct will be suspended the following game. Any player who plays thefollowing game will. Be suspended an additional game. It is the player and Captains responsibilty to make these inquiries post game.                    10 minute Misconduct penalties. Any player receiving a 10 minute misconduct penalty in the last 5 minutes of the game will be suspended for the next game.
-Match penalties/attempt to injure penalties will result in immediate ejection from the game and an automatic 4 game suspension. A second offense will result in a 12 game suspension. A third offense will result in a 365 day suspension.
** The league reserves the right to impose lifetime suspensions and adjust suspensions based on a player's history and the gravity of a particular incident **
-Gross misconduct penalties & abuse of officials will result in a 3 game suspension. A second offence will result in a 10 game suspension. A third offense will result in a 365 day suspension.
** The league reserves the right to impose lifetime suspensions and adjust suspensions based on a player's history and the gravity of a particular incident **
-Fighting majors will bring the following penalties:
3 game suspension and a $50 fine, 1st offence.
10 game suspension and $100 fine, 2nd offence.
365 day suspension, 3rd offense
Lifetime Ban, 4th offense
There is a definitive line between, roughing, double minor roughing, and fighting. League policy has always been that a “fight” results once glove(s) are dropped and a bare handed punch is thrown, regardless of contact. The League Executive will also entertain suspensions for players that deliver punches with gloves on.
The Executive reserves the right to review any incident to determine fault based on instigation, referee’s report, or any other means available and adjust suspensions accordingly.
4.9 When a highstick makes contact with the puck the faceoff will occur in the offending teams defensive zone.
4.10 Probation

As determined by the League, players may be placed on probation. Examples of probation include but not limited to:

Attempt to injure penalties
Two fighting, two gross misconduct penalties
Chronic misconduct penalties

5.0 Grievances
Protests may be filed in writing to the League Executive within 24 hours of the infraction, and will be dealt with within 2 days after filing.
6.0 Playoffs
The top four (4) teams will advance to the playoffs
Each team will play a best 2 out of 3 semi final series
The winning 2 teams will play a best 2 out of 3 championship.

7.0 Tie-Breakers

Ties after the regular season will be broken as such:
1.Regulation Wins    2. Head to head  3. Goals +/- head to head   4. Overall +/-  5. Overall goals for 6. Fewest pims 

Playoff games resulting in a tie:
5 minutes four on four
5 minutes three on three
Penalty shots (3 each) If still tied, one at a time

The Timekeeper shall manage the above situation. If time constraints exist, the overtime sessions may be reduced to straight time

8.0 Equipment
All equipment must be CHA approved or left to the discretion of the referee.
Visors are optional.
All jerseys must have numbers.
Team names and colours will apply as per the current league executive list. Refer to the corresponding year’s executive summary for more details.
Newly entered teams must acquire team names and colours that do not conflict with those of existing league teams.
More specifically, where league team names/colours conflict, it will be the obligation of the newer team to dress opposing team colours.