Code of Conduct

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SW Code of Conduct

Suburban West Baseball/Softball League

Code of Conduct

Welcome to Suburban West Baseball/Softball League! Youth sports at Suburban West are designed to enhance the emotional, physical, social, and educational well-being of children. Please read the information provided below so you will know what is expected of you here at Suburban West. These Code of Conduct rules are designed to ensure the safety and enjoyment for all those of Suburban West. If we all chip in and work together, we can make this season a GREAT success!

Code of Conduct:

·Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all children, umpires, managers, and coaches (including those of an opposing team). This applies to every game, practice, or any other Suburban West event.

·Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-discipline.

·Respect the property of others, as well as the Suburban West facility.

·Refrain from the use of profanity, vulgar language, or obscene gestures.

·Refrain from the use of smoking, tobacco products, or alcoholic beverages.

·Refrain from the use of any firearms, weapons, etc.

·Refrain from littering on park premises.

·Park in designated areas.

·NO Pets on park premises.

·NO Sagging pants.

Parental support during both games and practices is critically important to the success of Suburban West Baseball/Softball League. Be supportive of the team by ensuring your child attends each practice on-time. Be a positive role model during games, whether you are a manager, an assistant coach, or simply a spectator. Finally, please keep the following in mind:

·Always be positive and enthusiastic.

·Show your child positive reinforcement.

·Observe practices and games to learn proper techniques to practice with your child.

·Encourage your child toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game.

·Teach your child to always play by the rules.

·Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than a victory.

·Applaud good plays by your team and by members of the opposing team.

·Let the managers and coaches do the coaching.

·Let an umpire be the umpire.


*NOTE: Please abide by these rules...Persons who decide not to follow theCode of Conduct will be asked to comply or leave the premises.