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Tom Jordan Hockey
Organization & Policies

Team Representative & Assistant Representative
Team reps must select their Assistant and receive approval by all team reps. No player shall be brought in to the league in his or her first year as a Team Rep or as an Assistant unless approved by all team reps .

Duties: Team reps and Assistant Reps are responsible for drafting their team at the beginning of each season and contacting the players when necessary to update them of any game times, change in game times, and meetings in which they are invited to attend. Team reps and Assistant Reps shall collect any and all moneys owed by players and spares on his or her team during the course of the season. Team reps and Assistant Reps are responsible for ensuring all moneys owed are collected from their team 3 weeks prior to the end of the season. They shall represent the players on their team in all league meetings, and voice any concerns or questions a player from their team may have. Team reps and Assistant reps shall act as mediators of their team on the ice with referees. Team reps and Assistant reps are expected to display good sportsmanship in the locker room and on the ice. Team reps and Assistant Reps shall also monitor and correct and acts of any thing less than good sportsmanship with players on their team. If a Team rep or Assistant Rep are unable to bring players on their team to comply with the league rules and regulations they are to inform one of the league official. Team reps and Assistant Reps are responsible for filling in open positions for players unable to attend a game, by using the provided spares list. Team reps and Assistant Reps must use a spare that is on the list, rated equal or to or lower than the player missing, and must collect the appropriate fees from that spare for the game they play for them. Team reps and Assistant Reps must make a “Good Faith” effort to replace missing players. Any rep found not making the effort might forfeit that game. If a rep finds that a spare is either unable to be reached, no longer wishes to be on the spares list, or consistently turning down opportunities to play game, should notify the secretary of their division.

Spares: Spares are used by the league to fill in positions for games where a team may be shorthanded. Spares are placed on a spares list kept by the secretary of that division. Spares shall be rated to the ability of their play. A spare can fill the spot of any player rated the same as or higher then themselves. They may not fill in for players rated lower then themselves. Any Team rep or Assistant Rep found to be using a spare rated higher than the player he/she is filling in for shall forfeit that game. A spare may play any amount of games they choose in one day, provided they pay the fee for each game they play in. If a player does a “No Call No Show” and the team rep or assistant rep gets a spare from a previous game or out of the bleachers, that spare is still responsible for the fee associated with that game that they are about to play for that rep, in addition to the fee for the game they just played. Spares shall gain seniority on the spares list by the amount of time they have been on the list. The league official can at any time choose a player to come into the league full time over a spare with more seniority if they feel it would benefit the league.


A Division:
A team shall consist of ten players and a goalie. The ten players shall consist of a rating of one through four. A Spare from the spares list may be used in the absence of a player as long as they are rated equal or lesser than the missing player.

Team Members

Must remain a league member in good standing throughout the season, by adhering to the leagues stated objectives and rules. Failing to do so shall result in a loss of tenure.

1. “No Call No Show” As soon as a member finds that he/she will not be able to attend a game it is their responsibility to notify the Team Rep or Assistant Rep that he/she will not be able to attend. A minimum of twenty-four hours is required. Any thing less than that resulting in the rep not being able to obtain a suitable spare shall be considered a “No Call No Show”. First time offence will result in a warning from the team rep, second time offence shall result in a three (3) game suspension handed down from league official (the player will not receive discounts on league fees during his/her suspension), third offence will result in dismissal from the league. A player suspended from the league may not be placed on the spares list or reinstated to the league with out a unanimous vote from the team reps.
2. Leave Of Absence: A player may choose to take a leave of absence from the league from 3weeks up to one-year for any reason. After that one year it is the responsibility of the player to contact the league if he/she chooses to return to the league. After the one-year window, if the player has not contacted the league before the next league draft, it will be assumed that he/she is not going to return. Either the next senior person on the spares list or the person determined by the team reps shall take their place.
3. Alcohol: No player shall be intoxicated during his/her game. First offence is a one game suspension; Second offence is indefinite removal from the league. The league official may not allow back in the league or on the spares list that player without a unanimous vote.
4. Players must play the position assigned to them by the team rep. Failure to do so may result in removal from the league until the next season. This action must be made by the CO on a majority vote.

The league official shall assess Player’s fees during the off-season. The league fees shall be comprised of the following:
 Ice rental
 Referees
 Time keeper fees
 Team trays
 Cost to cover the ice time fees of the league official
 Championship money

No player may be eligible for the draft until any money owed to the league from previous seasons is paid in full. Payments shall be split into five pay periods. The first payment of the dues, plus any registration fees is due the first game of the year the player may not play in that game or any other until paid in full. Players have until the third game of the year to pay these fees. If the fees are not paid in full by the third game that player will be removed from the league and replaced with a fulltime spare. Each pay period shall be five weeks apart. After the first pay period a player has until two weeks after the pay period to be caught up on league fees, on the third week after any pay period he/she is not paid in full, they will not be allowed to play in that game. If a team rep, or assistant allows them to play, that team will forfeit that game. All players must be paid in full to be eligible to play in the playoffs any player that plays in any game not paid in full that team will forfeit that game.

Substitutions (Spares)
Spares must be at least 21 at the beginning of the current season. Each team is responsible for reporting to the scorekeeper the spares name, number and whom they are replacing. Failure to do so may result in forfeit of the game. When replacing a skater you must use a spare of equal or lesser rating. This also applies for the playoffs.

 Permanent Spares
Permanent Spares shall be used when a player is going to miss three or more games in a row. Permanent spares may NOT play for any other team while they are considered permanent. Once the player they are filling in for returns the spare returns to regular spare status.
 Adding Spares
A spare may be added to the spares list at any point in the season. A spare may only play in a game before being on the spares list if the two opposing team captains and league official agree to allow them to play for rating purposes only. If the player is decided to be 2 or more ratings higher or lower than the player they are substituting for the league official or opposing team captain may ask to have them removed from the ice to keep in fairness to the opposing team.
 Timeliness of Player arrival
No player can come into a game in which a spare is filling his or her spot after the end of the first period of play. No player can come into a game after the end of the second period, regardless of whether or not a spare has filled his or her spot. (It is deemed not fair to the opposing team for a player with fresh legs to enter a game for the third period)
 Spare fees
All spares shall pay the appropriate spare fee for every game they play (spare fees are set at the beginning of each season by the league official). Team reps not collecting these fees shall be held responsible for the moneys owed.

 A Skater – A skater can attain tenure if he/she is 21 years of age, and has played a full season for a team they are drafted on at the beginning of the regular season. No skater who has attained tenure can be barred or hindered from league participation except as provided within these rules.
 A Goalie - – A Goalie can attain tenure if he/she is 21 years of age, and has played a full season for a team they are drafted on at the beginning of the regular season. No skater who has attained tenure can be barred or hindered from league participation except as provided within these rules.
 A Permanent Sub – Any player who is chosen to play for a permanent player as a permanent spare does not attain tenure in the league. That player does have preference to fill that players spot in the next years draft if the tenure player does not return in time for the draft.

A sponsor will provided the league with 13 jerseys

Loss of Tenure
Loss of Tenure results when a player or sponsor is suspended from any league participation.

Any team in violation of league rules or policies shall AUTOMATICALLY FORFIET those games as prescribed with in these league rules. A forfeit shall take the form of a loss by the offending team;
1. A one (1) to nothing (0) loss for the offending team.
2. If a team calls for a forfeit due to an opposing team breaking the rules prior to the start of the game, regardless of which team wins, the score shall go on the records as 1-0 and all stats for that game shall be null and void. The first person to score on the winning team shall get the one point of the game.

A team may protest any game before or during that game. Notification must be made to the scorekeeper and the opposing team captain. The opposing team captain has the option to resolve the offence immediately. The league official has 7 days to render a decision on whether or not the protest is warranted. Once the league official has rendered its decision, there is no reversal of the findings.

An “A” division player shall be rated on a scale of one through four, one being a higher skilled player. The team reps shall re-rate all league players at the end of the season. The BOD shall also re-rate all spares prior to the beginning of the next season. If a player has two different skill levels dependant upon the position they play, that player shall assume the higher rating. No player shall have his/her rating changed during the regular season. Any spare being added to the spares list shall play one game to have their skill level assessed

Drafting Procedures

1. Prior to the upcoming season, the team reps shall contact all the players on their team from last year and verify that they are coming back to the league or not. They will then report this to the tem reps at the next league meeting. After the unsuccessful attempt to contact a player and every option to contact the player has been made, it will be assumed the player is coming back and shall be drafted accordingly. If the player does not return to the league by the third game of the season, they shall be permanently removed from the league and the spare substituting for them shall remain for the rest of the season. If the player returns by the third game the sparer shall go back to the spares list and the player shall assume his/her position. The list shall consist of 48 skaters and 6 goalies. This list shall not include the 12 team reps from their division.
2. After the open skate, there shall be a lottery drawing to choose which order each team shall draft.
3. Once the order is selected the team reps ratings shall be assed so that the equalizer round can be drafted. The equalizer round shall take place prior to the start of regular drafting. The order in which teams chose their equalizer round will also be determined by a lottery drawing.
4. Once the draft has commenced each team shall have 30 seconds to choose their next player. After 30 seconds the secretary shall assign the next highest rated player on the list and move on to the next selection.
5. Once the draft has completed the team reps will contact their players they drafted and inform them of the team they are playing for and the time of their first game.

All teams in the league shall participate in the playoff tournament after the regular season has ended. If the teams are tied for points then the final standings shall be determined by the following:
1. Most wins, then if still not resolved
2. Head to Head, then if still not resolved
3. The least goals against, then if still not resolved
4. The most goals for.
The playoff format shall be the following in the first round:
Single Elimination
Team #1 and #2 get a buy. / Team #3 vs. Team #6 / Team #4 vs. Team#5
Second round shall be the following:
Double Elimination
Team #1 vs. the lowest remaining team / Team #2 vs. the highest remaining team
Finals shall be the following:
Double Elimination
Two Remaining Teams

Tie Breaker: If the end of a playoff game is tied, there will be a five-minute sudden death overtime period. If the game remains a tie, both teams shall remove one player and play 4 on 4 for 5 minutes no substitutions can be made. At the end of five minutes if there is still a tie, the 2 teams will continue to remove one player off the ice every five minuets until a team wins
Playoff Substitutions: All teams must have 10 players and a Goalie for the playoffs. Teams skating with less than the required amount shall forfeit the game. The league official prior to the next game shall deal with no calls and No shows. If the league official finds the team missing the player was warranted, they can reverse the forfeit. Spares can be used from the spares list for the first round of playoffs. After that the spares must come from eliminated teams. If the missing player cannot be replaced by a player of the same rating from an eliminated team (all players from eliminated teams with the same rating must be contacted) a spare from the spares list may be used. If a team uses a spare and the league official find they did not contact all eliminated players prior to contacting the spare the league official can apply a forfeit to that game.
Penalty Times: All NHL penalties shall apply to the league. These shall be defined and assessed during the game by the on ice referees. Penalty times shall be as following:
 Minors – 1-½ minutes. Team skates short handed
 Majors – 3 minutes. Teams skate short handed.
 Misconduct – 6 minutes in penalty box. Team skates even strength
 Matching penalties – Teams skate even strength