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Sponsorship Information

About us: 


Our mission is to provide the youth of Lake Wylie and Clover with an opportunity to develop sportsmanship, respect, teamwork, leadership and life skills.
Non-Profit charity serving the communities of Clover, Lake Wylie and surrounding areas of York, Gaston, and Mecklenburg Counties. 
D2 Football and Cheer is a member of the United Youth Football League (YFL) and plays in the Southland Football Conference. (Includes LOCAL teams from York, Rock Hill, Charlotte, Gastonia, and other areas)
üOver 100 children between the ages of 5 and 12 participate in our Fall football and cheer league and Spring/Summer conditioning and skills camps


ü16 Football Coaches (minimum)


ü7 Board Members


üMixed demographics, including diverse ethnic base and economic classes


üAccept and encourage physically  and mentally challenged participants, including children with ADHD, Autism, and physical impairments.


2019 Initiatives:


D2 Gives Back – Free Summer  Camp – Open to all Community youth regardless of sport.
Provide volunteer opportunities and letters of recommendation for High School athletes to assist in coaching, mentoring, and working with the youth in our program.
Purchasing safe and sound football equipment to meet and exceed the requirements of the USA Football recommendations. 
Providing training for our volunteer coaches that exceeds league standards, including First Aid and CPR, Partnering with USA Heads Up Football for Onsite clinic, along with the standard requirement of administering online required courses. (which are fee based)

How can the D2 Blue Eagles benefit your business/organization  if you choose to be a sponsor?

Minimum of 4 home events are played at Oak Ridge Middle School, each home event consists of 8 games and draws attendance between 500-1000 (plus) people.  Target market being parents, grandparents, and families in the age range of 25-49.
Participation coverage penetrates all 5 Clover Elementary schools and both Middle Schools.  Local competition travels to the area from Rock Hill, Charlotte, Gastonia, York, and other areas. 
Social Media – Facebook and Instagram – Exceeds 500 followers.
Website – More than 6,500 visits to the website.
Distribution – Email distribution list exceeds 200 families.
Print – Banner advertising prominently displayed at home games and camps. 
Logo – Your logo on t-shirts provided to participants.
Advertising – Partnership to include your logo on game day rosters, special mention with media event coverage.
Equipment or service sponsorships happily accepted.  Sponsorship dollar level to be granted based on value of goods or services provided.
Potential vendor/seller partnership opportunities – You setting up at our home games to advertise/sell your products or services.
Advertising promotion opportunities – Do you have a handout or a coupon you would like distributed or raffled at one of our events?
Community and Civic reputational rewards –  Our free and reduced cost activity camps for children, will include your signage will be viewed by appreciative parents, participants, school administrators, and volunteers. 
Free entry into our home games, participation in our open Board Meetings, voice and opinions considered for future initiatives for D2 and the Youth in our community. 
**D2 will happily work with you to afford the best advertising option for your company.  If you have an idea for sponsorship please reach out to a member of our Board.
Sponsorship Levels:









Logo appears on all email communications with parents throught the season. X      
        2'x6' Banner displayed at home games. X X    

Your Logo on D2 Camp Tshirts

and Game Day Rosters.

X X X  
Logo/Name on D2 Blue Eagles League Line Up web site with link to your site. X X X X

Your Company Promoted on

D2 Facebook and Instagram.


D2 Sponsor Plaque or Jersey

to display at your home or

place of business.


  Business/your name listed on 2'x6' banner displayed at home games with other Bronze/Silver level Sponsors 

         Not applicable Sole nanner for Sponsor provided at this level          Not applicable Sole banner for Sponsor provided at this level  X  X